View Full Version : Feeling like I can't breathe when going to sleep or randomly wake up thinking im not!

08-01-12, 14:57

I keep drifting off to sleep at night and then feeling like I can't breathe or like my breathings drifted off kinda thing! Or sometimes I will be asleep then wake up feeling like i'm not breathing!

Scares the hell out of me does anyone else get it?

08-01-12, 17:32
I have had this too and it scares me and is often the reason i dont like going to bed. i do like these sudden flinches where exhale all the air from my lungs and it makes me feel like ive forgotten how to breathe. some nights when i go to bed, i feel like im breathing but only from the top of my chest, like im holding my breath at the same time, though that happens more often when ive eaten too late at night. i put it all down to anxiety and long term sleep disturbances/anxiety. its hard for me to relax, even on a good day. the first time i experienced anything similar was about 15 years ago when i had my first ever panic attack half way through the night and didnt know what the hell it was. i had to go outside to get air... so maybe Errerlooeez is right and it is just panic attacks in our sleep.