View Full Version : help im in a state of panic

08-01-12, 19:58
theres got to be something wrong same headaches in same spot, docs have put me on amatricaline (cant spell) and its not stopping them taking tiny edge off but surley this bad i cant bare this and scared when i see my doc next what hes going to say ive been so happy all day the the feeling of it coming has panicked me so much

08-01-12, 20:05
I'm sorry you're experiencing this, try and calm down (easy for me to say, I know)

How long have you been having these headaches? When did you last go to your doctors?

Most of the time headaches are nothing to worry about, from what you're describing it sounds like you could be having a tension headache, has anything taken the edge off at all?

Try not to worry and if you're really concerned go and speak to your doctor tomorrow. I hope you feel better soon. X

08-01-12, 20:26
never had headaches before, but when i started on miritzapine the headaches from the side effect have been with me since last may!!! the headaches come and go and last for an hour or to a day sometimes daily!!! seen so many docs and opticians and say tension or nerve problem, last saw doc last wednesday and said theres no explination of it and sent me with 10ml of A (can spell it) and to see him in 2 weeks, im off mirizapine since november cause i thought taking it is causing it, but no relief off the miritzapine! which is freaking me out so much!!! if docs aint orried then i shouldnt but im living with it and scared investigations will need to happen which my mind is racing with thoughts!!