View Full Version : is this anxiety

08-01-12, 20:16
Think i may be suffering from panic attacks which came on just over 2 weeks ago. Been to doc twice and was prescribed citalopram which i am scared to take for fear of making me feel worse than i already do. Have never felt so ill in my life before and constantly dizzy. had a bad experience in april 2011 and wonder if i could have post traumatic stress disorder.had what i think was a virus of somekind just before christmas and been feeling this way most days since. Got my husband to take me to hospital one evening as i felt awful and as soon as i got in the door there i felt better.doc did all the usual checks and bloods but found nothing out of the ordinary but still i am not convinced. cant go on like this I am 54 so menopausal and felt so scared when this happened that i havent had a cigarette since, could all this be adding up to how i feel,

08-01-12, 20:18
Hi stamags

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-01-12, 20:25
Hi Stamags..... perservere with the citalpram as it will kick in and make you feel better. Is scary to take them......I was but it helps believe me.

08-01-12, 20:31
I'm sorry you're not feeling to good!

You definitely need to take the Citalopram they will help you!

Maybe go back to your GP and explain how you're feeling and that you're reluctant to take the citalopram.

Take care.

08-01-12, 20:33
Im not a lover of citalpram as it made my anxiety alot worse, I stopped taking it after a week, Im stressed enough thankyou!

08-01-12, 20:36
Bearing in mind that's your personal experience. Not everyone is the same and citalopram, along with other SSRI, have saved peoples lives. They are renowned for making you feel worse before better, but this passes.

08-01-12, 20:41
Sometimes antidepressants can make the anxiety worse before makig it better, but bear in mind that this won't necassarily happen to you, I remember when I first started with anxiety I couldn't touch a cigarette either! not necassarily a bad thing mind you, as in my experience they do increase anxiety.

Try the meds hun it might just be the boost you need :)

Best of luck!

08-01-12, 20:42
Sometimes antidepressants can make the anxiety worse before makig it better, but bear in mind that this won't necassarily happen to you, I remember when I first started with anxiety I couldn't touch a cigarette either! not necassarily a bad thing mind you, as in my experience they do increase anxiety.

Try the meds hun it might just be the boost you need :)

Best of luck!

Much more positive advice!!

08-01-12, 20:43
A week is just not long enough to see if the meds work....... you have to persevere.
If not then there are others you can try.

08-01-12, 20:58
I just need to be strong and tuff and forget all this stuff get back to work and put all this stuff away, its gone, i cant change it. so carry on

08-01-12, 21:06
thanks all...........back at docs tomorrow so will see what happens. Know one thing for sure cant carry on like this, have always been so strong. this thing has taken over and has frightened me so much feel really ill but cant desribe any physical symptoms.

08-01-12, 21:27
Oh gosh, being menopausal and giving up smoking in one go could make you feel simply dreadful......what a horrid combination :winks: Giving up smoking is great, but do you think you need to use nicotine replacement whilst you are so anxious ? Let us know how you get on tomorrow.

Have you had your hormone levels checked ? I wouldn't mind betting that some of the menopausal symptoms are behind this.

08-01-12, 21:38
thanks all...........back at docs tomorrow so will see what happens. Know one thing for sure cant carry on like this, have always been so strong. this thing has taken over and has frightened me so much feel really ill but cant desribe any physical symptoms.
That may be a bit of a problem, the strong will. In some cases, or many, it helps to do your best but leave off some of your responsibilities. You are mainly responsible for yourself. So sometimes, just let it go and see how you manage.

08-01-12, 21:48
have not had my hormone levels checked but gonna ask tomorrow, about the stopping smoking had such an intense feeling that i was gonna die and wondered why i could put a cigarette in my mouth. have only managed to get through today by quartering a 5mg diazepam and taking it when things got out of control still have a quarter left incase. in my mind the nicotine withdrawel has gone un noticed because the other feelings have been so intense and frightening.

09-01-12, 12:46
That sounds like a lot of work. The nicotine thing will not go away that quickly, so may be addressed as a separate issue later. I still need my caffeine, as my drug gives me some fatigue. I am too calm at times!

09-01-12, 15:04
hi all been to docs and had a long chat about my feelings, she was amazed that i had given up the cigs and said i must be strong to be able to do this when i feel so ill. might be light at the end of the tunnel eventually.

09-01-12, 16:10
What are your symptoms?
It is common after a virus to get something called dysautonomia or a dysfunction of the autonomic system. It could be that.
It could be anxiety.
I take ativan prn fr my anxiety. Benzo's are all my doctor had ever tried. I know I would do better on a long term med but I am afraid to take them!