View Full Version : Emotional as I'm back to normality

08-01-12, 20:51
I have been on holiday since 30th December and go back to work tomorrow.

I am just back from four days up north with my family. I enjoyed being away even though I was a bit anxious but i have been crying a lot today. I think its the thought of going back to work tomorrow and worrying about getting upset at work.

Does anyone else feel like this now all the festivities of Christmas and New Year are over?

08-01-12, 20:57
I was back to work last week and found it a bit hard to get back into it, it was sort of nice having the xmas period off and being without the pressure of work but one i was back i soon got back in the swing of it. You will too x

08-01-12, 22:36
well done you =)

I felt very anxious yesterday when going back to college but the best advice i can give you there is to just do it! It's hard but man the reward is amazing afterwards!

Its always a let down after the xmas hols because u've been hyped up and happy then back to work and its tiring!

maybe book another holiday so you have something to focus on and look forward to? =)
