View Full Version : HELP! Having an ocular migraine and scared I am going to die

08-01-12, 21:56
Hi everyone,
I can't even really see the screen well to type this , but I will try. If I lie down on my bed in a funny way, I seem to get ocular migraines...Is this normal? I have had a few and I have been fine, but I am too scared to go to sleep because I am convinced something bad will happen...Still, I want to go to sleep because after awhile the headache kicks in, and is pretty painful. I don't know what to do!

08-01-12, 22:03
I'm pretty sure that if you were going to die from that headache you wouldn't be typing sweetie :) xx I think you NEED to close your eyes and get some good sleep and rest your eyes and tomorrow you will open them and it will be fine :) and you will still be alive ! I really think you will . Infact I know you will not die tonight :) so message me tomorrow to confirm that I am correct :) lol sleep well and don't panic!!!!! :) xx your going to be ok xxxxxxxx

08-01-12, 22:31
If you go to sleep it will probably solve the migraine. You say it is ocular, so you mean that you have visual aura and then it becomes a classic migraine ...sickness and headache etc. ? Have you suffered from migraine in the past...or ahve they just started ?

08-01-12, 22:59
I had one about a year ago, and then had two last fall. I get an aura, and then the headache comes about an hour later.

08-01-12, 23:04
I get these a few times a year and my sister gets them each month. Same type as you describe. It's scary but you'll be fine, just take a couple of aspirin or paracetemol and try to sleep. Doctor once told me to take aspirin and panadol at once, as they're different drugs it's not too much, does work well for me. Hope you feel better soon!

09-01-12, 01:22
I get migraine with aura--the visual problems like you have, but also I go numb on one side and feel confused. It is just like having a stroke. I think these sorts of things would be scary for even people who don't have HA. Anyway, what I wanted to tell you is that I asked my doctor how I would know if I was ever having a stroke and not a migraine. She said that it is those weird vision problems that indicate a migraine and not a stroke; they are VERY common aura symptoms. If you see things like flashing lights, spots, lines, etc., those are the classic visual problems associated with a migraine. That's how I reassure myself that it's just a migraine and nothing worse. If you haven't already told your doctor that you get migraine with aura, I would bring it up at your next visit. There may be medicine that can help prevent them. I am taking a beta blocker to prevent mine.

09-01-12, 07:38
If I lie down on my bed in a funny way, I seem to get ocular migraines...Is this normal?

It was more this statement that I could not work out, do you mean when you lie a certain way you always get the aura. It reads as if the aura is happening every time you lie a certain way...often ?

Have you had advice on how to deal with migraine ? My mother, myself and my daughter all suffer from classic migraine with the loss of vision/aura, headache and vomiting (however you want to describe it)....mind I've been lucky enough to not have one for years, whilst my mother had them every week last year. I presume that you went to the doctor for the diagnosis when you started having the last year ?

If you do not have specific migraine medication (we can buy things like migraleve here in the chemist) then you can take other steps to try and halt the migraine. Well actually, you can do these as well as taking the medication.

* As soon as you get the aura eat something that is sweet and carbohydrate. (doughnuts are apparently the best for this lol)
* Sit down, semi-reclined (not lying flat) in a dark room, with your eyes closed.
* Don't talk, try and relax. Sleep if you can.

All of the above are designed to try and reduce the blood flow to the head. The trouble is with this classic migraine is that you have to act fast during the aura stage to put in place the measures above.

Good luck, they can make you feel desperately ill I know.

09-01-12, 09:02
Generally if I go to lie on my stomach and lift my head up, if I move my neck too fast, then I start to get an aura, and then get a headache later. Thanks for the advice!

09-01-12, 20:38
Well, if that is happening every time you lie and lift your head then you must get yourself back to the doctor pronto. No, that isn't normal.

09-01-12, 20:48
You wont die darling, i have had as many as 7 of the buggers in a matter of weeks, horrible things they are, but they wont harm you in any way shape or form. Drink plenty of water, take some headache pills, lay down and let it pass.


---------- Post added at 20:48 ---------- Previous post was at 20:45 ----------

Generally if I go to lie on my stomach and lift my head up, if I move my neck too fast, then I start to get an aura, and then get a headache later. Thanks for the advice!
I didnt see this post..

It sounds like something in your neck is connected to the auras, id go see the doc and explain what you said here. Might well need to see a chiropractor to loosen something up. x

09-01-12, 22:58
I think it is when I crick my neck in a funny way. It is hard to describe. It doesn't happen every time, just every so often if I move my neck in a weird way. I think it probably has something to do with the circulation and compressing blood vessels in my neck or something. Thanks for the reassurance.

09-01-12, 23:41
Yes, if it is happening with specific types of movements, I would have it checked out by a doctor. That's not a typical migraine trigger.

10-01-12, 01:51
This is a new symptom for me, well I assume it's new. I'm trying to tell myself it's nothing else serious and is all anxiety related due to not being able to sleep properly. Is it still worth going to the doctors for a check-up when you develop new symptoms?