View Full Version : Lumps in neck - are these normal?

08-01-12, 22:41
I have discovered a lump in my neck sort of mid way down in side, about 3 inches below jaw line. It feels small (1cm or smaller) and hard like bone. It hurts if I push hard on it. I can feel one on other side as well but not as easily. Of course with health anxiety I'm jumping to conclusion of lymph nodes, but wondered if it could be cartilage or bone there. If they are lymph nodes it's a worry as they are very hard. Can anyone else feel similar thing? I do have very tight muscles in my back and neck but don't think it feels like muscle as sort of round and feels too hard to be muscle. Thought could be part of thyroid cartilage but I think thyroid is more in middle, this is further to the side. I could ask doctor but feel a bit stupid as I was only there last week thinking o had breast lump which turned out to be nothing.

08-01-12, 23:05
Hiya I think I have come across the same problem are they near to your wind pipe and feel small but really hard? I can feel it more on my left than right wen I first felt it I was in a state of panic but I'm pretty sure it's bone or cartalige..

08-01-12, 23:10
I can feel the one more on left as well, sounds like similar area. Thanks for the reply!

08-01-12, 23:13
No problem it defo sounds like the same thing..x

09-01-12, 10:04
I have had these for years Apparently so long as they are smaller than the size of a pea, there's nothing to worry about. I even had an ultrasound done on my neck! Perfectly normal my doctor said and she even said it was a sign of a strong immune system. So I can still feel them now, but I don't worry.

01-10-12, 01:16
Hi, I'm new here and saw your post. I have small hard lumps along both sides of my windpipe which don't feel like other lymphnodes. I convinced myself that something was seriously wrong but the lumps feel more like bones, I was wondering if anyone else could feel things like this? They don't get bigger and they are symmetrical, is this a good thing?

01-10-12, 10:54
I feel one above my adams apple, to the left it feels hard and about the size of a pen nib :\

01-10-12, 11:43
Mine are lower down, almost at the bit where your neck makes the u shape where your collarbone starts but still on either side of the windpipe

17-10-12, 18:32
I have been worrying about these kind of lumps as well. I can feel one on each side of my neck and they are solid and don't move. I can feel them if I push down next to my windpipe but they are separate and not attached to the windpipe like cartilage but I also think I can feel them if I press maybe an inch or two to the side of the windpipe as well. They don't get any bigger but I'm constantly worrying because they are hard and immobile. Do yours feel like this too?

17-10-12, 18:38
I have been worrying about these kind of lumps as well. I can feel one on each side of my neck and they are solid and don't move. I can feel them if I push down next to my windpipe but they are separate and not attached to the windpipe like cartilage but I also think I can feel them if I press maybe an inch or two to the side of the windpipe as well. They don't get any bigger but I'm constantly worrying because they are hard and immobile. Do yours feel like this too?
I have the exact same thing - hit a major panick earlier when I found it, and after finding it my throat felt as though there was pressure in the area, I forgot about it for a while until I read your post and now I can feel it again.
I am guessing we are not both dying so it must be normal!

06-12-12, 00:44
I would like to reply to this post to be able to put some of your minds at ease. I noticed a lump on the left side of my neck approximately 2 inches from collar bone almost 7 months ago ( this was how long waiting period was for ultrasound) during that time I was driving myself crazy researching on the internet mainly finding cancer forums! I also have high anxiety and thought for sure I was dying. I had my ultrasound yesterday and wow I am so relieved to find out that these lumps which are not lymph nodes are suppose to be there we have them on both sides, some people feel them more than others. The doctor told me that once you find them you pretty much can't stop touching them I now if searching can find the other one on right side which is a lot smaller, the one on left is 5 mm which is tiny! But it's scary when you feel a lump. I suggest that see a doctor, put your mind at ease.. but stop searching the internet it will bring you down and make you go crazy! I no longer pry around my body searching for things I am living life to its fullest :) good luck!

31-07-13, 00:03
Hi there, I know it's been a while since I last posted on this and I've been doing great with my HA recently. However, I was just wondering, see if you feel further up can anyone feel another one or two on each side? They are hard as well and feel likes bones... I'm wondering if its something to do with protecting your windpipe. They all feel roughly the same size although some are easier to feel than others. They are also in a straight line.
Thanks guys, just needing a bit of reassurance

31-07-13, 00:17
These are your lymph nodes. They swell up when you're ill- from a cold or a fever- and usually go down once it's out your body. However, sometimes they don't go back down for other reasons. If they last longer than a month, take a trip to your GP and get him/her to take a look. It's very rarely anything to worry about.

31-07-13, 00:23
I don't think these are lymph nodes, I have some shotty nodes and these feel really different. What I'm worried about is the fact that they are solid and don't move. The fact that they are on both sides in a line next to my windpipe which I'm hoping means that they are supposed to be there and supposed to be hard. I've had them for ages, I think I last posted on this conversation in December...

02-07-14, 15:36
I have the same thing and am totally flipping out, its about an inch below my jaw line on each side of my neck, small, pea sized, super hard, seems attached to my throat (moves when I swallow) and I am flipping out! Seeing my doctor next week but I wonder if they have been there all along.

It is reassuring that others find these as well. That they are on both sides, same size, same feel, makes me feel a bit better. From what I have seen cancer in the nodes doesn't tend to hit both sides, same place, same size etc. Praying that is true!

02-07-14, 15:48
I have 3 swollen nodes in my neck, one under my jaw (had it 4 years) and two others further down. I have had lots of anxiety over them but doctors have not been concerned and it seems the majority of us have them so id say its very common x

02-07-14, 19:27
Wow it does seem very common. I think many times we have them for while and just never even notice them. You know how us Health Anxiety people are, we google too much and do no good!

02-07-14, 20:07
Mine is bigger on the left than the right, Im always feeling it to see if its bigger....its reassuring to know Im not the only one....Im in a looking for problems phase anyway :( Ive got allsorts wrong this time.....flipping hate HA....this forum always helps me though....I was convinced I had DVT earlier this week and its a heart problem or pulmonary embolism atm....why do I do this to myself, grrrr!

03-07-14, 17:16
I do the same to myself, all the time. I always go to worse case scenario... no matter the situation. I drive myself to panic attacks all the time. Hate it!