View Full Version : Moaning Monday Thread!

09-01-12, 08:43
Thought maybe it'd be nice to have a Moaning Monday thread being as no one likes mondays!!!!!!


The weathers crap , i've got to walk to the post office in the rain because I don't own a car! I've then gotta tidy my room because I have pretty much every one elses stuff in there! And I have an assignment to do that I don't get and yeah......Happy Monday! :yesyes:

Lol , post your worries and moans down below!


09-01-12, 11:49
I really, really hate Mondays too.

For some reason I always find I have tons of housework to do, guess that is because I try to not do too much over the weekend, so it's piled up by Monday.

This week is the first week my OH is working a full week since the middle of December, so it's going to be a long week!

We also started having our drive down last week and are held up as our blocks are on a special order. So right now I have a front garden that resembles a beach more than a drive and everytime someone comes in they tread sand in all over the place.

Today is also my first day of cleaning out the chickens for weeks and weeks and oh heck I have found that really hard as I'm full of cold with a hacking cough and going out in the fresh air just makes me feel worse.

So that is my moan of the day :D