View Full Version : Hello from a health anxiety freak!

09-01-12, 11:50
Hi everybody, I'm new here.

I've been on anti-depressants on and off for the last 15 years due to panic attacks and health anxiety. Was off them for a few months recently and thought I was better but had to go back on them just before Christmas as I was bad, worse than I've been in a long time. I've now realised that I never want to come off them again if it stops be feeling the way I did!

Doctor put me on 50mg Sertraline and initially, after about a week of them kicking in, I felt better and felt well over Christmas and new year. But this last few days I feel I've gone downhill and I'm starting to worry myself sick again. I have a doctors appointment later today and I'm hoping that he will increase my dosage and that I start to feel better as I just can't carry on feeling like this. I feel sick all the time, struggling to eat and just want to curl up in a ball and not leave the house.

I do realise that I'm worrying irrationally but just can't stop doing it. :weep:


09-01-12, 11:53
Hi Roxie

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-01-12, 20:40
Thank you. I've been to doctors and my dosage has been increased from 50mg to 100mg. I normally take my tablets in the morning but am considering taking 50mg at night so I would be taking 50mg in a morning and 50mg at night. Has anyone ever split their dosage like this or am I best to just take 100mg at the same time?

Feel very low tonight, have had a terrible headache all day. My husband who is normally quite understanding is losing his patience with me :weep:
he says I need to snap out of it and start busying myself instead of moping around and thinking (worrying) too much about things.


09-01-12, 21:28
It's horrible, this health anxiety isn't it? I just registered today too because I've been worrying that I've got skin cancer when I'm sure that it's just eczema. It's always something - every little thing becomes a big thing and although you try to be rational, it doesn't always help. Keep talking, if your husband isn't able to help at the moment, try other people, including this forum. It's good to know other people are out there and you're not alone. I've had five years of anxiety attacks and can now manage them much better through a course of CBT - have you tried that? Hope you're feeling better tomorrow.

09-01-12, 21:38
Thank you Lottie. Yes the health anxiety is horrible - my latest fear is skin cancer too but over the years have been through a whole load of worries but they always seem to be around some form or cancer or another. I'm pretty sure that losing my dad to cancer some years ago is at the root of all this.

I actually spoke to my doctor today about CBT. She said that I would need to be referred to the mental health team who in turn would refer me fo CBT - the waiting list for which is about 12 months. I felt like she was putting me off so just said I'll just carry on with the medication! Wish I'd got the referral now but will be seeing her again in a month or so and will ask her again to be referred. I've heard mixed views about CBT but would definitely like to give it a try.

Thanks again for your reply and I hope that you're feeling better soon also x

10-01-12, 09:58
Hi Roxie

Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad at the moment. Have you been able to read anything by Dr Claire Weekes. I found her book Self help for your Nerves very useful. Its a bit old fashioned but I find it a invaluble practical program. Be lucky.


10-01-12, 10:01
hello roxie and:welcome: to nmp you will find great help and support here from us all x

12-01-12, 16:51
Thank you. I will look at the Dr Claire Weekes book, thanks for reccomendation. I'm still not feeling great but I think that most of the anxious feelings and headaches I'm getting now are a side effect of the tablets and not a continuation of the anxiety symptons. Oh and I'm so so tired all the time!

13-01-12, 12:16
Hiya and welcome to NMP:welcome:

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: