View Full Version : nose pressure

10-06-06, 12:32
Hi everyone,

I am new here and have felt immense comfort since discovering this site.

I am hoping someone else might be familiar with my latest sensation and put my mind at rest.

I have this feeling of fullness in my nose and it twitches on the left side at its worst and feels like it has a pulse all of its own. I am imagining all sorts of things like my head is going to explode etc. I suffer from health anxiety and panic disorder and know that it is probably sinus pressure or something equally as harmless but my mind is racing with what ifs.

I hope someone can reassure me that this is a common anxiety symptom and not something sinister..............I am scared.

Thank you very much in advance.

10-06-06, 21:42
It does sound like a sinus problem to me. Ive had this feeling and have it now,im wondering if mine is hayfever related.
I know sinus pressure can cause worrying symptoms and can make your head feel like its going to explode.
Have you mentioned this to your doctor,im sure they will be able to put your mind at rest.
Hope you feel better soon and welcome to the site.
Take care xx

10-06-06, 21:54
Hi and welcome aboard.

Does sound a bit like hayfever type symptoms to me as well.


12-06-06, 19:14
i too get this and have just been told its my sinuses.
hope your doc can help you cos we all know how anxiety and panick can make the little things really bad.

good luck

12-06-06, 21:07
definitely sinus trouble . i have it all the time and i know that is what you are suffering

its horrible i know but i have been told many times this is what it is

take care
