View Full Version : Is this really anxiety??

09-01-12, 17:46
I am getting pain on my sides, appendix area, rib area ad around my heart and the same place the other side of my body. They are all sharp pains that don't last long. But because they are all over my front and sides surely it can't be serious. Anybody else get these pains.

09-01-12, 17:58
I've been getting a sharp pain under my right rib today, it comes for about 5-10 secs then goes. I think it's probably a wind/gassy pain since I haven't eaten much so it could be the same thing with you?

09-01-12, 19:12
I get a lot of random pains that seem to come and go esp in my chest and heart area which is my specifc anxiety - I think everyone gets them, it's just that us HA sufferers are more sensitive and so notice them more and worry about what they are.