View Full Version : the heat

10-06-06, 16:30
im really sacred because in the heat my symptoms get worse my headaches lightheadedness is unbearable. tonight is my sis hen night and i HAVE to go im just worried about passing out cause its so hot shall i just drink lots of water aswell as whatever else just to not dehydrate? is there anyone else who cant take the heat? or is it just me x

10-06-06, 17:13
Hi Katy - nope I am exactly the same. Spent most of today indoors and also watched england game - and went outside just now for a bit and still feel faint and dizzy and wobbly - I tihnk we are just susceptible to the heat when we suffer anxiety. I tried to breathe deep in my stomach and also drink loads of water so I remain calm. good luck tonight. Regards Wenjoy x

marie ross
10-06-06, 17:16
Hi Katy,

No it is'nt just you, there are loads of people who can't cope with this heat (i hav'nt even left the house today because of it!!!) Try not to drink too much tonight, because from past experience the sun and booze just don't mix, plus you'll feel even worse in the morning!!! Drink lots of water or soft drinks and you'll be fine. A night out, can't remember what they are anymore!!! Hopefully it will be a lot cooler later on for you.

Take care.

Marie XXX

10-06-06, 17:38
no katy it is not just you the symptoms of the heat are so similar to those of anxiety and claire weekes talks of them all the time

water is the answer and of course talk loads, get really into chatting with everyone and you never know it may take your mind of it at least for a little while

i hope it goes ok i really do


10-06-06, 17:41
Hi Katy,

Just echoing what the others have said - there's another thread about this too and you'll see all the replies! Hot weather, panic and nausea (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=10741)

And certainly do the soft drinks tonight

Hopefully, it will be a tad cooler this evening.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

10-06-06, 23:50
Yeah, I don't like the heat either, but I'm finding it not as bad as I feared. To minimise its effects I leave the window in my bedroom open ALL the time. I keep the curtains closed until after midday - when the sun no longer shines directly at my window - so that my room doesn't heat up too much. Then I take a cold shower late afternoon/early evening to stay cool, and whenever I feel hot there is a good breathing exercise you can do. If you can roll your tongue you will find this easier, but when you breathe in make a tube out of your tongue (or curl it up as much as you can) and suck the sir through it. You'll feel the cooling effect immedietly. Focus on this feeling as you continue to breathe.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

10-06-06, 23:55
thought I was gonna panic today with the heat but it passed thankfully. I'm so glad of the sun when it comes, I dont sunbathe as my skin burns but I love/need to soak up all those lovely rays. It definitely makes a difference to my mood.

12-06-06, 12:58
I definitely feel more lightheaded in all this heat - thought it was just me, glad it's not - but i'd still rather the hot days than the cold ones as it's not so gloomy - we need all the cheeriness we can get.

12-06-06, 18:12
I agree with you guys. I had today as my day off work but even just walking down the road to the shops I felt so dizzy and ligntheaded. It wasnt even that hot 24 degrees - it was that the air was so heavy and humid that I felt woozy!!! Working tomorrow - I just hope and pray the predicted thunderstorms clear the air tho we keep missing them in Bournemouth!! Wenjoy x

12-06-06, 22:33
Oh im finding this heat unbearable! Its nice to look at the sun shining but it makes me feel even more lethargic than usual and doing anything feels such an effort.
Its nice to moan about the heat on here :D...everyone else seems to be sun worshippers!

How long is this heatwave supposed to last?

12-06-06, 23:32
hi katyf,
i am totally suffering as well, i find the heat so claustrophobic sometimes, makes me feel like i can't breathe.
hope it cools down soon...
henri x