View Full Version : No meds just magnesium

09-01-12, 18:40
Been a sufferer of anxiety on and off for many years. Had every symptom going including: tingly face, tingly scalp, tingly hands/arms, lump in throat, not able to take a full breath, tight chest, knotted feeling in shoulders/neck, lethargy, gerealised panic, loss of appetite, burning sensations in osephagus, acid reflux, constipation, jaw clenching, chest pains all of which got investigated and came back zero. Had every test going from brain scan to chest xrays and many more. It was only after endless tests that someone suggested anxiety but this was at least 18 years ago. I think now anxiety might have been the first assumption with all the signals I was giving off. Tried many different approaches and a couple of anti depressants with bad to average results. I had a good few years where it diminished to a manageable state but last year after a particularly bad bout of anxiety I started searching the internet for different ideas on why this was happening. I really didn't want to go down the anti depressant route as I wasn't depressed. My symptoms constantly threw up magnesium deficiency and so amongst other things I started taking a supplement daily. I saw a herbalist and discussed my symptoms, he asked me if I was on magnesium and I told him I was but wasn't feeling any different and I'd been taking it 6 weeks by this time. He told me to keep taking it as it can take 3 to 4 months before you feel any benefit. Of all the supplements I've tried magnesium is the only one I've taken daily for 4 months now. I left all others by the wayside and stuck with magnesium as the symptoms of magnesium deficency so matched how I was feeling. I can't say as I felt it happening as it was so gradual but I can honestly say I don't have anxiety anymore, it lifted too slowly to notice until one day i just thought, wow my symptoms have gone completely. Some days before a period I can feel a bit twitchy and my sleep goes haywire but still no anxiety. I have a real faith in the magnesium. I checked with my doctor before taking it and he said it wouldn't do me any harm. Useful as ever but we won't go there. I don't know what may happen in the future but at the moment I am enjoying being symptom free and making the most of it. I personally believe it has helped me so would like to recommend it to others but do your research and come to your own conclusion. (ps it did give me mild stomach cramps, wind and other unpleasant toilet symptoms but that eased after about 2 weeks). I hope this helps someone.

09-01-12, 20:45
That's interesting. I wonder if it could be taken alongside anti-depressants? I've only just gone back on my medication and starting to feel slightly better so reluctant to come off them just yet....but if there was a natural remedy that I could take long term I'd definitely consider it/

10-01-12, 21:03
Check with your doctor and see what he says, i don't have much faith in my doctor but its best to take advice. From what I've read lots of reports seem to be recommending magnesium for anxiety related problems. I did try Citalopram for a while before starting down the natural route but it turned me into a jibbering wreck, I stuck with it for 4 weeks and the side effects did ease off a bit but the anxiety didn't abate at all infact it got worse. I think I may be oversensitive to some medications. 4 weeks is a long time when you're really struggling to cope. I actually felt better off it. It seems that modern day diets can be naturally quite low in magnesium anyway. I can honestly say i haven't had any symptoms for about 3 weeks now after taking it for 4 months and it feels great. I have a big problem sleeping and that often lead to my anxiety being much worse but although I am still suffering sleep wise the anxiety is not there. I've never tried any supplements until last year as I didn't think they did any good but I've discovered a couple of things recently that really work for other ailments too so I've changed my views.:yesyes: If your doctor says its ok to try magnesium then try it but stick with it because it takes a while to restore your levels its not a quick fix. I nearly gave up taking it at one point but was told to give it at least 3 to 4 months before judging if it was working or not. I'm amazed

11-01-12, 03:41
Can you tell us how you take magnesium? Is it in tablet form and how much? I've heard that tablets are no good, that you need an oil of some sort to apply to the skin so I'd be interested to hear if it's tablets that worked for you? I'd much rather try a natural remedy than go on medication x

11-01-12, 18:32
Basically once I decided to give it a try I just read up on everything about magnesium and the best form to take. I started on magnesium taurate from a local health food shop as it came highly recommended on the web for being more easily absorbed and took that for about 2 months but its quite expensive so eventually switched to magnesium citrate from Holland and Barrett..not sure if I'm suppposed to mention brands... which is alot cheaper. Started on two a day for about a month and then tailed off to one a day. Tap in magnesium deficiency symptoms and see what you think. If you think it sounds like you then I think its worth investigating a bit more. Like I say I'm 43 and up until last year had never taken any supplements thinking my diet was fine but after constantly feeling on edge with loads of physical symptoms I decided to try to help myself and do a lot of research as the doctor seemed disinterested and I just wanted my life back. I don't want anyone to think I'm being pushy about this but I honestly felt so ill and my life was just one big ball of angst, I would over analyse everything and worry constantly not being able to switch it off. I felt in a constant flight/panic state feeling dizzy and unable to get my breathe. Things are so much better now. I can only put it down to the magnesium plus I have some worries going on at the moment that would normally be driving me mad with panic but I feel like I'm coping like a normal person would without all these panicky anxious symptoms. I just think that if my experience helps someone else I would be very happy to have helped in some way. In fact it was someone elses experience with magnesium that started me on it so I'm just passing it forward. Good luck

sorry forgot to add, the magnesium taurate was a capsule and the citrate is a tablet

12-01-12, 06:04
Thanks for the info Josiejo. I've suffered from general anxiety and fear of going out for 4.5 years now and am mightily fed up of not having a life so I'm willing to try anything. I was about to give in and got to docs but have decided to try magnesium first. I'll google it now. Thanks x

16-01-12, 20:38
Basically once I decided to give it a try I just read up on everything about magnesium and the best form to take. I started on magnesium taurate from a local health food shop as it came highly recommended on the web for being more easily absorbed and took that for about 2 months but its quite expensive so eventually switched to magnesium citrate from Holland and Barrett..not sure if I'm suppposed to mention brands... which is alot cheaper. Started on two a day for about a month and then tailed off to one a day. Tap in magnesium deficiency symptoms and see what you think. If you think it sounds like you then I think its worth investigating a bit more. Like I say I'm 43 and up until last year had never taken any supplements thinking my diet was fine but after constantly feeling on edge with loads of physical symptoms I decided to try to help myself and do a lot of research as the doctor seemed disinterested and I just wanted my life back. I don't want anyone to think I'm being pushy about this but I honestly felt so ill and my life was just one big ball of angst, I would over analyse everything and worry constantly not being able to switch it off. I felt in a constant flight/panic state feeling dizzy and unable to get my breathe. Things are so much better now. I can only put it down to the magnesium plus I have some worries going on at the moment that would normally be driving me mad with panic but I feel like I'm coping like a normal person would without all these panicky anxious symptoms. I just think that if my experience helps someone else I would be very happy to have helped in some way. In fact it was someone elses experience with magnesium that started me on it so I'm just passing it forward. Good luck

sorry forgot to add, the magnesium taurate was a capsule and the citrate is a tablet

How much is it from Holland and Barrett hun please? xx

19-01-12, 08:16
I have just renewed my supply, 100 tablets was around 6.38 I think, but last time i bought it was half price, sometimes buy one get one free. Look out for the deals. Tried magnesium taurate to start with but that was around the £13 mark which I thought was too expensive but at the time was willing to pay anything. Can't say as one was better than the other but apparantly the magnesium taurate was softer on the tummy and more absorbable. I still found it griped me a bit for about 2-3 weeks then the symptoms wore off, but certainly worth perservering with.

25-11-13, 12:19
This is my story. I hope it helps someone somewhere. In August, while I was using the computer in a cyber cafe, my heart started beating so fast at frst I thought i was dying. My legs sank and was overwhelmed with panic and fear. i went to see a doctor hardly being able to walk. I felt dizzy and almost fainted. The doctor measured my blood pressure and it was120 and 80. It was apparently high. He assured me there had been nothing to worry about. However, the symptoms continued as i suffered from high blood pressure, tachycardia, dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, hyperglecemia, irregular heartbeat, apathy, panic, anxiety and pale looking skin. Later, I visited a cardiologist. A heart doctor who assured me that there is nothing wrong with my physical body. Then he prescribed me a magnisium supplement. Within 2 months all my symptoms vanished. A ll I had was a severe magnisium deficiency. Please if you happen to have the same symptoms you may want to take magnisium supplementations.

05-12-13, 22:12
Where did you purchase the magnesium?

---------- Post added at 22:12 ---------- Previous post was at 22:10 ----------

And what dose was therapeutic for you?

05-12-13, 22:28
I use Magnesium salts (Epsom salts) in my bath. I put half a cup full in the bath each day.

06-12-13, 08:44
I use ZMA at night ,it helps you get a deep full nights sleep

17-12-13, 21:26
To cut a long story short I researched about magnesium supplements about 2 months ago. I was literally amazed. I think I tend to be sensitive to things I put in my body however I couldn't believe how calm the magnesium tablet made me feel. I have suspected my hormones have been increasing my anxiety symptoms. I really had no expectations but wow! I am not used to this feeling of being calm. Forget the evening primrose capsules I have been taking for years. magnesium supplement is my miracle over the counter tablet. I just have ro remembet to take it. Beware thst it stimulates your metabolism. All because of a hunch. I wish I could find something like that my my newly diagnosed arthritis but that is another story.

07-11-14, 22:45
why are you people so vague.. IF something changed your life.. why can't you be more specific.. Every thread no one is specific.. they just say .. " i took a magnesium supplement" Why not tell us what kind.. what brand.. how much.. how often you took a day.. did you have to take anything else with it? What did you start off with.. what is too much.. etc etc.. I know if something changed my life.. i would try and provide every detail I could.

20-11-14, 17:34
How very interesting? I am definitely going to look into this. Thanks very much for the information most appreciated hopey

21-11-14, 08:22
How very interesting? I am definitely going to look into this. Thanks very much for the information most appreciated hopey

Have a look on the Natural Remedies board hopey, there are a few threads running about the different forms of magnesium that expand on all this.

Well done to the OP! There is a lot to be said for the natural route and correcting deficiencies and we need to know there are other routes than medication and the same old CBT!

12-02-15, 12:07
I've just started with Magnesium Taurate, I got onto it from googling my symptoms, (my bad!!), but I think it actually worked in my favor this time! I have been feeling better with yoga lately, but still had restless legs, pins and needles in hands/feet/legs/arms, chest pain, rapid heart beat, still having fight/flight episodes. Was tested and told I was physically fit, it was just anxiety. I have taken the mag for the past 4 days, and my symptoms have pretty much already almost disappeared, the only thing that it weirdly has done is upset my sleep, (it seems to help others), I tried ZMA once last year, and it gave me an awful wired feeling and total insomnia, I feel alert after taking it rather than fatigued, but alert/relaxed if you know what I mean, but cannot get over to sleep. I'm going to persevere, because it has helped so much, just hope that it settles down a bit and the sleep gets better.

I'm using Swanson Mag. Taurate, 2 in morning, 2 at night.