View Full Version : How many nodes can you feel in your neck..?

09-01-12, 20:31
I've just recently started poking around and feeling deep in my neck.

I've noticed quite a few small bumps and lumps on different areas of my neck and was wondering if I should really be worrying this much.

I know that we have around 500-600 lymph nodes throughout our body but is it normal to feel quite a few in my neck??

Im really slim too so could that be why i feel more of them?

09-01-12, 20:50
Ive just had a good feel of my neck and i dont appear to have any :O I dont even know if i should have? ( be able to feel them)

10-01-12, 01:56
Anyone else? :L

10-01-12, 03:28
Sometimes I can feel some if I look really deep, but for the most part I can't feel any in my neck.

I do, however, have two that are under my jaw, sort of on the flat part under the chin, but above the neck. I've had them for years. I was terrified of them and finally decided I wasn't going to let them "rule" me, so I had them checked out and they were normal.

My doc says there are a lot of things that can cause nodes to flare up, even simple things you wouldn't think, like a little scratch or bruise. Nodes can also *stay* there for years (as is in my case). He said cancerous lymph nodes are usually large, grow, unmovable, and really weird shapes. So as long as yours are more rounded (though one of mine is more of an oval-ish), aren't growing at all, and you can move them around, you're more than likely fine.

However, if you're concerned -nothing wrong with asking a doc.

10-01-12, 05:30
in truth none as I have no idea what to feel for... I sometimes wonder if knowledge is a curse :(

10-01-12, 07:55
I have a few in my neck. Both sides. Towards the front. My doc says they are totally normal and so long as they are smaller than a pea you have nothing to worry about. I have had them for years.

10-01-12, 08:57
I can feel one on my right side and 3 on my left. One is very deep under my jaw bone. This one is harder than the rest and doesn't move. I'm worried so going to the Drs today. :(

10-01-12, 22:36
Please let me know how it goes..

I can feel quite a few