View Full Version : Hello All...

10-06-06, 16:35
Hi All,

I used to be a regular poster on NMP but as I started to improve coming back on NMP made me think about symptoms again but now I feel I have the strength to help others without my symptoms prevailing. My main problem was health anxiety and through Meg recommending distraction every time I had a problem it has definitely sunk in! Day to day I dont have any symptoms at all, previously I couldnt get through a day without a panic attack. I'm not completely cured but i'm at least 80% better than I was. Thanks all fpr your support and I hope I can be a support to people in the future.

Take care


10-06-06, 17:28
Hi Richard, really nice to hear your feeling postive about your life and things are looking up for you !!!
I owe a lot to nic's site and the people who posted to me, without all their great advice, support and information, I would not be where I am today.
Glad to hear things are looking up for you, Tara xx

10-06-06, 17:31
Thanks for your reply Tara,

Good to hear you are progressing as well Tara. Like you, I owe a lot to this site. At the peak of my anxiety I couldnt see any light at the end of the tunnel but it is definitely possible. You don't have to live with anxiety, be strong.

Take care


10-06-06, 18:39

Lovely to hear back from you again and I am so pleased that things are so much better for you.

I am sure others will appreciate any help you can give them.

Well done for all your progress and hard work.


10-06-06, 18:42
oh richard i would love to here how you became 80 % better, id love to hear how long and how you suffered

just need some inspiration and so glad you feel the strength to give support back


ps would love you to pm it to me so that i can look at your story every time i feel this thing will kill me

10-06-06, 23:35
Glad to hear you are so much better Richard and thank you for coming back to let us know how well you are doing.

I am sure reading of your success will help many other members.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

12-06-06, 20:12
Thanks for your messages everyone. It is great to be feeling better now and I really want to help others who feel it is never ending. Don't ever lose hope.

Take care
