View Full Version : Repetitive Depression

09-01-12, 22:04

I've been on and off this site for about 2 years now. When I first came on it was early 2010 when I first found out that I had OCD. I had known since I was 18 that I had depression. Anyway the reason for this post is... I have had three bad bouts of depression, one when I was 18 when I first got depression and started having bad thoughts, one during my third year of Uni in 2009 and then again from January-June 2010. I have to say the first and third time were much worse than in uni, you see in uni I handled it better because I had uni to focus on.

Anyway it seems as though it reoccurs every couple of years or when I am unemployed/don't have anything. Now the last time I had depression/OCD was from Jan-June 2010 and now I haven't got a job again I keep thinking its gonna come back because I feel a little low and some of the niggling OCD thoughts are there. Some of my compulsions have come back too. During and after the last time I had therapy and it helped alot, the lady I saw really helped, it wasn't just talk therapy but she gave me tools to help me and they did help and I have been successfully without depression since June 2010 when I got my old job. Don't get me wrong I had low times but they are normal in everyday life what with relationships ending and a friend of mine committing suicide. I don't mind having low times as they are all part of human nature but what I don't want is to keep having bouts of really bad depression every few years. Does anyone else have this? Or is it natural when you
have time on your hands and continually thinking??

Any reply is appreciated!


09-01-12, 22:30
yep me too hun u sound like me but nothing to do with not having jobs , 1st at 25, then at 29 , and again now at 37, harm ocd anxiety depression caused by the 1st two things :(

william wallace
10-01-12, 00:01
I had it for the first time in 93, had to go into hospital for a couple of weeks to get meds sorted out, and for my own safety. I took Gamanil for a few months and recovered quite well. 2001 it kicked off again for no good reason, no dramas or traumas it just happened. Went back to work after a few weeks and took Seroxat for a year or so, and again recovered well enough to hold down a job, take holidays etc. May 2010 we had a holiday in Sardinia which was a complete disaster, cold, wet and windy for a fortnight, it was like being in prison. Got home and my car had been stolen. Went to work on the Monday and was wrongly accused of stealing a ladder which turned up the same day, a contractor had been using it at another part of the site. I never recieved an apology. It kicked off again and I was given Cymbalta/duloxetine this time. Had a few weeks off and went back to work for a year but it never really went away. It kicked off real bad about August last year and GP put me on Citalopram. Been up and down like a yoyo ever since and to add insult to injury the b4$74rd$ made me redundant in December.
Not to worry though, because theres always someone worse off than yourself:)

10-01-12, 13:51
So I'm guessing it is common to have repetitive depression. Is there anyone that has had it and it does eventually just go? Or is that just wishful thinking?

william wallace
10-01-12, 14:08
There could well be as many folks out there that had a one off bout of depression and made a full recovery as those that did'nt. If I could live the last 20 years over again, I would'nt work so hard, do so much overtime, relax more, read more, drink less, eat healthier, too late now. You're still young so you can maybe turn it around:)