View Full Version : HELP chest pains and so much more, feel so weak

10-01-12, 02:56
I'm in such a bad place at the moment with my anxiety, I've beaten it before, so I know it can be done just finding it so hard as I'm always in pain , and getting horrible weird symptoms that scrare the crap out of me, I can never relax I'm always tensed up therefore constantly suffering with muscle twitsching spasms and pains all over worst pains are the chest ones really scary and sore , I know I have to remove the fear but they just frighten me so much lol,
I've had 3 ecgs over the past few years , most recent one being today and was fine everytime! Xxx just so desperate ! Feel like I can't take any more I'm back at uni on sun and I'm so scared to go back but I can't leave my dream ! :( sorry to rant any help or guidence would be soo appreciated! Xxxx

Lots of love lucy xx

10-01-12, 03:22
Keep in mind that there are still muscles in your chest, and there's cartilage there too.

I had chest pains a few years back and they terrified me. I was sure it was something with my heart. Turned out I suffer from costochondritis occasionally - just a fancy way of saying that the cartilage that connects my ribs to my breast bone get irritated and sore. Simple solution to a terrifying problem.

They've proved your heart is okay, so try to relax. YES, being stressed can and will tense your muscles up so that they hurt and twitch. It's a vicious cycle becuase this keeps you worrying, but you need to steel yourself and tell yourself you can beat it (I know, easier said than done most of the time).

Look at it this way: you have a week. Don't think about the deadline so much, just take the time to treat yourself. Take a lot of hot baths as this will help your muscles. Don't be afraid to pop a painkiller from time to time if you think it helps the pain. Take a nap. Watch a show that relaxes you. Whatever works :)

07-02-13, 23:56
Hi poppy ! Just realised I never thanked you for your great reply ! It helped enormously in that time of need. ! It really means alot sp thank you. ! Xxx