View Full Version : Quitting smoking

10-01-12, 08:54
I didn't know where to put this, but I've made the decision to stop smoking. I was smoking around 10 cigarettes a day and I saw the nurse at my GP's and she has given me patches and nicotine gum to chew. She said the patches could cause funny dreams and I'm concerned about this. I do not want any manic feelings or feeling that I'm losing control. I'm so scared to try anything new.

Could anyone tell me what it was like to quit using (middle strength 15mg) patches and gum?

10-01-12, 09:30
hello... well firstly wel done for giving up smoking wish i had the will ower lol.
my dad gave up smoking around 12 months ago an he was given patches and gum.he found the gum didnt work for him but the times he did have it he didnt have dreams just made him thirsty,i wouldnt worry yourself hun the side affects dont always affect people.the patches worked better for him he found them a real help
good luck with it :)x

10-01-12, 10:57

I quit smoking 4 years ago in the middle of my worst period of anxiety. I was on 20-30 cigs a day, so began with the stronger patches. In terms of how the patches will affect your anxiety, my personal experience was that it didnt really have any ill effects. Just remember the patches are not a cure, but a help - you also need the strength to succeed. If i could do it at the time i did, then i'm sure anyone can! i wouldnt worry about side-effects, though.

10-01-12, 12:05
Hi :)
best gift you can give yourself and so good you are giving it a go. Smoking actually increases anxiety believe it or not .......constantly feeding a nicotine fix.
re patches .....advice I would give you is to take patch off at night before bed .
Then you wont get vivid dreams or insomnia which can happen but not to all .
Good luck ..........you wont regret it and you need to make sure the money you are saving goes into a tin for big treat !!!!
snow :hugs:

10-01-12, 14:01
Thank you all! I had my last cigarette last night and today has been rough!! I haven't had the courage to put a patch on yet. I was feeling so tired, I had a nap and I woke up in a panic--heart beating, sweating, a couple hours later. I can't remember all I dreamt of, but I knew I was smoking in the dream!!:ohmy:

I was given 16 hr. patches to wear because I didn't want to wear them at night. I wonder, could I put one on now (2pm) and just remove it before bed, or does it have to be on full 16 hrs??

10-01-12, 17:22
Hi MUM 83 and Keanu :)

yes take patch off despite it not being 16 hours is my view . It is only an aid ....the psychological craves are the ones that need beating hard into ground !!!

suggest you google no smoking day forum ..fabulous place for support and education on how to quit for good . Some lovely people there.
a day at a time folks .........dont look further and the days add up .
Keanu ............I smoked for years and in the house with two children .........am horrified now :weep:...........but I cannot change the past . So am here most days if I can help .
snow :hugs:

11-01-12, 10:43
good luck its been 6 months since i give up best thing ive ever done i used the e lites to give up .:D