View Full Version : White Flecks in Urine...leading me to more 'self checking'

10-01-12, 15:00
Hi, Ive been posting a lot over the past few days as it seems after a good week or so I have yet again slipped into a very low point.

Yesterday after the dentist, i had an appointment with my new counsellor (who ive only seen about 4times since october despite being put in for 'high intensity' cog behaviour counselling). In the middle of the session, i started feeling the old pains in my stomach around the rib area which made me feel so anxious and i couldnt sit still, i ended up crying and crying uncontrollably like a little child. Then when i got home i had such a migraine from all the crying that i got into bed and COULD NOT get up for hours.

Today i have slipped into the self checking mode again. Ages ago i bought some urine dipsticks to test my own urine after a number of UTIs and decided to test my urine. I cant even bloody read the colours properly as i seem to convince myself its always a different colour to what it is!

Then whilst checking i saw LOADS of white flakes in my urine. It was full of them. They looked just like specks of dandruff and i started freaking out. Ive googled it and im sick with worry that its a kidney problem even though i dont have much back pain. I dont have any other symptoms, just the specks of white.

what could this be? Im so close to taking my temperature constantly. testing my pulse, doing my BP etc etc... and i dont want to go back to that.

Sorry for the long message

Charlotte x

10-01-12, 15:10
Hey Charlotte

I know how you feel hun, I think I go through 1000's of those dipsticks!!!!
One time I found a "trace" of blood....OMG PANIC!!!! off to GP's and he wasnt worried at all....trouble is I'd googled it and was beyond despair!!!! I was checking my urine at least 3/4 times a day.......stupid I know!!! You'll probably find its just a "one off" so drink plenty of water and dont worry hun (rich coming from me!!!!) if it happens again take a sample of urine to your docs and Im sure they'll say its fine xx

10-01-12, 21:00
They are usually just shed skin cells and do not need to be a sign of anything wrong. i have them most of the time and have in the past had samples sent off for testing because of them and nothing has even been wrong.

11-01-12, 06:47
I remember having that before even though it was a few years ago now but I notice red tissuey bits in mine esp around that time of the month.

I know how you feel I worry too because I have bad UTI symptoms during my menstrual cycle and overactive bladder symptoms too esp when it is cold so Im always battling a war against my bladder and my bladder was the cause of me having to leave work and get put on the sickness benefit from my gp.

My gp is absolutely convinced my bladder is nothign to worry about as its an irritable bladder and mild overactive bladder and my menstrual cycle does make it worse.

I am on a referral to a gynocologist too to get checked for endometriosis with other complicated symptoms.

Anyway those white tissuey bits I wouldnt worry too much the best thing to do is drink plenty of water for a couple of days and then see if you have it then, then maybe mention it to your gp or even better ring up a nurse and ask them as that will probably save you some money before making an appt with your gp.

Anyway all the best and I know how you feel honey Ive been crying alot in pain this last few days with my period and all I wanted to do to feel comfort was stay sitting on the toilet, its horrible I know.

(((hug))) all the best.