View Full Version : mammograms.......arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

10-01-12, 15:03
Firstly Im new here and thank god Im not alone:D

ok well Im due again for my 3 yearly mammogram and Im overwhelmed with PANIC! Im not at all bothered about the procedure BUT the results, Im such a wimp!!!!:ohmy: I dont go until february but i've already started to panic and then you have to wait 2 weeks for results needless to say Im a complete mess!!!

Is it actually worth going through all of this stress???? I do really wonder. I know they do a fabulous job but I have such a phobia about hospitals etc that Im beginning to think the stress will do me more harm than if I cancelled my appt....please help!!!!!!

10-01-12, 21:00
Hi there - Im new on here, and this is the first time i have posted ! hope i do it right ! ... I am exactly the same absolutely terrified of results, I need a smear, not scared of having it done, just scared of what they may find, I also desperately need my eyes tested ... ive made appointments and cancelled them because im so scared incase they tell me something bad ... I avoid the doctors unless its absolutely necessary, I have high blood pressure which is being controlled by medication, i have to take my bp at home (where its normal) but as soon as i go to the docs it shoots up through sheer panic !! I need a bp check and also blood tests to check my cholesterol etc., but i havent been as yet... pathetic.. I havent yet been called for a mammogram but bet your life when i am i will freak out incase it shows something.. i drive myself absolutely nuts worrying and i know i should get things sorted but i am just scared of the outcomes... so silly because the peace of mind i would get from clear results would far outweigh the fear i suppose. Think im going to try to be brave and make some appointments :whistles: