View Full Version : really scared, needhelp, dunno why?

10-01-12, 15:52
hey guys well cut things short here last night at about 4 am onwards was the worst "panick attack" ive ever had and im still feeling the after effects, i was just watching a movie then all of a sudden my whole body goes numb and i couldnt coordinate i was frozen for a minute and didnt know what to do, i panicked put my clothes on and called my mum and told her i think i was dying and i couldnt feel sensation, my mum knowing i had anxiety told me to relax and take diazepam that was prescribed to me, so i did... i still sat there not knowing what was happening to me or if this was the end, it even got that bad i started writing stuff down incase i was going to die (sounds silly huh? :) ) it felt like i couldnt focus my eyes or i couldnrt even walk properly.. jeeze even right nowim finding it hard to write a sentence its that bad:shrug:.i feel like my legs are weak at the minute and butterflies are in my stomach whilst my head is tingling with numbness and an electric energy sensation running through my body.. its really scary.. what makes me even more scared is ive been happy for a long time now and i dont know where this is coming from, now im back to square one convinced i have a neurological disorder when chances are low as im young.

is there any advice anyone could give me this is really affecting me at the minute, sorry if i annoy anyone with the post, as i know health anxiety is sometimes frowned on, all the best:winks:.


10-01-12, 16:03
hope you are feeling better now and by the way health anxiety is no joke as i know.Dont forget the mind is so powerful to make you feel all these things. Did the diazepam not help to calm you a bit ang have you seen your gp.

10-01-12, 16:10
kevin everything you discribe comes with anxity ,it is awful,,maybe you should have a word with your gp .lwhen i was at my worse i found list:)ening to music ,or watching a movie did help,or maybe do a chore you dont like ,,walking in the fresh air fill your lungs ,you may think easy for someone to say do this but i had everything you have ,,so been there truly ,,

10-01-12, 16:19
the diazepam didnt do anything thats why im so confused im still feeling like this i cant breathe or eat right now but im not panicky honestly i thought i was passed all this.

10-01-12, 16:22
maybe you should ring your doctor ,,and speak to someone if you feel it getting worse

10-01-12, 16:26
Sorry to hear your feeling so bad Kevin but gypsywomen is right and what your describing is anxiety....dont you wish we could just take a miracle pill and not feel like this!!! but we are all here for you:)

10-01-12, 16:48
Hi Buddy, sorry to hear your having a rough time at this moment!
I have the feelings of where i think i am going to die any moment and just been lay in bed frozen!! These are major panic attacks, no matter what no one told me i couldnt relax enough to watch tv or listen to the radio, just felt not right, undescribeable!
Also been like yourself where you find yourself not being able to eat and just in constant fear. Have you tried reading any books that help with anxiety, i found that really helped me, my panic attacks have nearly fully sub-sided just the HA and physical symptons i am battling with now, once you can stop the major panic attacks and accept your not going to die, you will then realise that all this has been caused by HA, acceptance for me was the hardest thing as i really thought something bad was going to happen! once you accept the panic you can then fight the HA and its symptons!
Try having something to eat buddy and i hope you feel better soon, If anyone has ever frowned upon you for feel like this, then you dont need them mate, HA is serious and as far as i am concerned one the hardest things anyone will have to overcome in their life!
