View Full Version : Please help

10-01-12, 16:32
After dealing with health anxiety and coping, this past week I feel like I am losing the plot !! I dont even know what has triggered it but I have started self checking and have found a lump behind my ear. My husband thinks its a vein I am not convinced ( but then I wouldnt be would I ) I dont want to phone Doctors because I will panic !!! Someone please help I dont want to go through this again !!!!!!!!!!! :weep:

10-01-12, 18:49
I sympathise with how your feeling. I know only too well that even the thought of plunging into an episode of health anxiety is downright miserable. As u say, your not convinced that the swelling is a vein. Have u tried self help techniques like distraction etc? I'm reading a cbt approach to managing h/a at the moment. Hopefully it will be useful. I hope u can relax about it and get some peace of mind soon

10-01-12, 19:46
Thanks for replying, I did all that twelve months ago and it worked eventually. I am scared of getting back into that downward spiral, I am going through such a mixture of emotions at the moment. I am scared then defiant i will not let this get the better of me again !!! I am going to take one day at a time. I am just contemplating going back to doctors but dont want to go back on medication

10-01-12, 19:49

I have to say the past week has been especially bad for me to, after finding a lump behind my ear. I know its hard to comes to terms with but just stay strong :) x

10-01-12, 19:53
Thanks Duke It is reassuring to know I am not alone in the way I feel !! I hate this and it has changed me from a happy go lucky person to a nervous wreck hopefully ther is light at the end of the tunnel !!! best wishes to you too !!!