View Full Version : Eating out phobia

10-06-06, 20:40
This is my first time on this Forum and it's been great to read that I'm not the only one is the world with problems!

I can identify with the people who hate the hot weather (phew what a scorcher - can't wait for the heatwave to end!) and also with those who are terrified of eating out.

That's how my panic attacks started over 20 years ago and I then developed a phobia about eating in 'unsafe' places which I've never really been able to combat. It limits my life to the extent that I find it difficult to travel far from home because I will have to eat something and that causes me to panic.

I understand the physiology of panic - it's just an adrenaline rush and I'm not going to die - but I feel that I am never going to change. I've tried tranquillisers and relaxation therapy as prescribed by my doctor but neither really seemed to work.

Some friendly advice would be very nice. Thanks

10-06-06, 21:33
have you wrote about yourself in the introduce yourself section as so many people will read that first and welcome you on board

im so glad you found us and hope you feel less alone soon


10-06-06, 21:56
Maybe you could slowly expose your "outdoor eating" to help you overcome.

Can you eat in your back garden in the company of friends?

If you can do that, maybe you could eat in a local pub garden with friends.

See what I mean - can you work out a strategy of how you could face up to this in very small stages.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

11-06-06, 19:56

Thanks for your interest. The difficulty is that I don't really have anyone who can help me overcome this - I have to do it alone.

I did take your advice and ordered a sandwich at a garden centre cafe about 15 minutes away in the car. I felt a bit panicky at first and had a fairly mild attack which lasted a few seconds but I sat there and stuck it out. It's right that distractions work - I was feeding bits of my sandwich to the birds hopping around under the table!

However, the problem is one of distance from home. I could have got up at any time (I'd already paid for the sandwich!), jumped in the car and been home very quickly. When I've tried to do something similar a bit further afield, it was much worse. When I was panicking I was thinking

"I'm a very long way from home, from safety. It will take me a long time to get back and I'VE got to drive, I've got to feel well enough to do that"

Whether I would feel better if I was with someone else who, in theory, could drive me I don't know. I never get the chance to find out.


11-06-06, 22:14
Hi Pat. welcome to the site.

Isn't there anyone at all who can go out with you? Can I ask what area you are based in?

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

12-06-06, 00:41
Hi Pat,

Can really relate to the "doing it on your own thing", it's hard I know.

My advice to you would be to go back to that garden centre cafe at the next opportunity and go back regularly until you do feel safe. Try taking a paper or magazine with you for distraction.

Then when you have got to that stage, try one a little further away.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

12-06-06, 07:35
You wrote

"when I was panicking i was thinking" .........

This is your problem THINKING , not your eating !

mindfulness is really good for this problem, it shows you how to think in the present moment and how not to let your thoughts run away.
Ive been using it for several months now and recommend it [8D]


16-06-06, 20:03
Hi Turn

Sorry to hear about your fear of eating out. I have a similar problem, I have a fear of eating infront of people. I am ok with family and close friends but anyone else I can't eat with. I am ok about the people in the restaurant as they are strangers, it is the actually people I am with the cause me the problems.

It's right that it is actually your thoughts that are the problem, not the eating. Your insecurities are showing themselves in the food. I am seeing a hypnotherapist at the moment and he has been showing me how to turn my thoughts around. Try telling yourself that food isn't a problem, it is just that you are feeling a bit unsure of yourself at the moment and that it's nothing to do with the food really. Tell yourself you may as well eat it because nothing is going to be any different if you do or you don't, it doesn't matter.

I hope this helps a bit, I know it is hard work but I think it is helping me a bit at the moment and it does get easier the more you do it.

Feel free to PM me any time if you need to chat,

take care

Sarah x

17-06-06, 19:45
Hi all,

This is the first time I've used this website. I have been suffereing from panic attacks for more than 20 years on and off. I have had long periods of time without them - blocks of 2-4 years at a time, but the fear has always been there.

One on my main fears is eating in restaurants. Being close to the door makes me feel safer. My main problem in restaurant is not being able to leave in case i have a panic attack.

Despite this i do go to restaurants and 99% of the time I do not hvae the attacks.