View Full Version : where to get help?

10-01-12, 16:40
Hi everyone, I first realised I had symptoms of anxiety about 2 years ago when I was 16 but waited about a year to go to the doctors about it. The doctors diagnosed me with anxiety and referred me to a councellor that comes into the surgery every Monday. I felt so good that I'd built up the courage to go and get help, and the doctor was thr first person I had talked to about how I was feeling so it was good to get it out.
The waiting list was about 3 months so I had plenty of time to worry about it and go over in my head again and again what I was going to say to the councellor. For some reason I felt like I was milking it and that she would think I had nothing wrong with me. Eventually when it came to my appointment I'd talked my way out of it so much that I had made myself believe there was nothing wrong with me so I ended up not turning up.
I felt so bad that is missed it without ringing in to tell them I wasn't coming that it took me another few months to ring back. I apologised and the woman seemed sympathetic and told me shed speak to the councellor and rearrange another appointment. This was back in august! Iv rang back twice since then and all they do is apologise and say that there's a long wait and il hear back soon. Thing is that lately my anxiety has got so much worse that my college attendance is down to less than 50% and I'm isolating myself from all my friends. I havnt got anyone that I can talk to about it and my college is threatening to kick me out.
I was wondering if there's anyone else that I can talk to or if I should just make another doctors appointment and tell my gp how much worse its got?
Any suggestions would be welcome :) sorry this is so long!

10-01-12, 17:00
Hi Abs,

I am sure there are plenty of people you can talk to on here and offer you support.
You are not alone when it comes to talking, i felt like i couldnt tell my friends how i was feeling, as they had never felt any of my symptons and couldnt relate with them.
I would speak with your GP again as if you are at risk of being kicked out of collage things have got serious, my GP didnt do anything for me until i told them i was struggling with work. then i got a 10session course of CBT which certainly helped and i am due to go back to work next week part time.
Is there any teachers you can speak to at collage where you can explain your situation, and not get kicked out and offer you morale support?
Just remember anxiety does effect thousands of people and does need to be treated, your doctor needs to offer you support and understanding, hope you manage to find some help!
Rob x

10-01-12, 17:03
You can always pay privately for therapy in the meantime. You should go back and see your GP.

10-01-12, 17:15
Thanks rob, I think the doctors is my best bet! And Harvest mouse that's the problem I cant afford to go private! The only way that I feel I can get proper help is if I fork out £20-50 a session :(