View Full Version : Im pretty fed up

10-01-12, 17:44
the things is something made me do something years ago now im paying the prices and i might not get a job which area i all ready know:frown::frown:

10-01-12, 20:03
something made you? or you made a mistake an error in judgement ? which prevents you from getting a job in an area you would like to work? unfortunately there are consequences from actions, can you get a job in an area related to it?

10-01-12, 20:49
the things is something made me do something years ago now im paying the prices and i might not get a job which area i all ready know:frown::frown:

Sorry hun but the above doesn't really tell us anything so it's quite hard to advise.


10-01-12, 22:06
well it was quite difficullt was in a domestic violent relationship in 2006 i did something then now it coming back to haunt me

10-01-12, 22:14
Ahhh i get you. Well if you did something 'bad' for a good reason then that should be understood hun. Don't give up on that career hun xx

10-01-12, 22:24
I find if you explain the situation surrounding something in your past, honestly and to the point, they are more apt to look past what is on paper and see the whole situation as it happened.

10-01-12, 23:12
I have to agree with Eeyorelover; explanations go a long way don't despair on this just yet

23-01-12, 17:56
thanks all