View Full Version : Getting tests done?

10-01-12, 20:06
Hi everyone. I'd like to start by stating the problems I have and what I think they're related to so that people can understand what I'm worried for. For over a year now I've had quite severe anxiety which I believe started when I did stupidly did some drugs at a party (I'd prefer to explain what they were privately because I don't want my business everywhere). Since then I've gone from being in a constant state of panic to being able to calm myself down from panic attacks and I did it mostly by myself. I get a lot of the usual panic symptoms quite often but they're not constant (shortness of breath, tight chest, closing throat, rapid heart beat, palpitations etc etc.)

I have a few symptoms which are basically constant and they're the ones that worry me. One of the symptoms is a stiff neck, and this is probably the one that's the worst. Not only is it generally stiff and aches a lot, it makes my head feel tense and pressured (like my brain is bulging out of my head!!) and is worse when I'm tired or I've just woken up. It's also bad when I focus on it. The other symptoms are general pains in many areas but are worst in my knees. I have restless leg syndrome so leg pain is kind of expected but I also get pain in my shoulders (mostly when I'm trying to do press ups) and my feet/ankles. I'm also quite tired most of the time but I put that down to boredom (since work has slowed down atm).

Another symptom which is doing my head in is a ringing in my ears which has become worse because lately I've been having a lot of problems with blocked ears due to wax etc. My hearing also seems to distort sometimes which sends me into panic straight away!!

I refuse to take any kind of ADs, beta blockers or muscle relaxants unless I have a physical condition which requires me to take them and they won't defeat these feelings if they actually are anxiety. The problem is whenever I've been to see my doctor he's fobbed me off with ADs and beta blockers when all I really want is tests running on my neck and my head to make sure there are no tumours or slipped discs/pinched nerves etc. What would be the best way to get my doctor to put me in for tests like those, and does it sound like I actually neeed them or should I take him for his word? Last question (promise :blush:) is do these symptoms sound like Fibromyalgia?

I've done well going from a nervous wreck who thinks he'll die if he takes a paracetomol, to being someone who can get on with their life and try to make my relationship and job work for me. The problem is I still get the standard, 'I have a brain tumour!!!' moments.

Please help, and thanks for reading. Any and every response is a massive help!!

10-01-12, 20:19
Sounds like classic anxiety, have you read the symptoms articles on here.

As for getting things checked Just ask. Even if its for peace of mind, sounds like you have a lot of tension, which could be causing some of your symptoms and you are probably exhausted.

Sounds like you are making positive steps though, well done keep going. you will find a lot of people on here with similar stories, so keep talking.

Good luck.

10-01-12, 20:24
Thanks a lot. Yeah I think I've made significant progress to say that I have nobody to talk to about it so I'm proud of myself and I'm optimistic that I'll beat it sometime. If I had tests and knew there was nothing wrong with me then I'd be able to get over it straight away. All I need is that confirmation. After all the thing with anxiety recovery seems to be recognizing what anxiety is. A lot of people seem to think that anxiety is an illness and that they need to recover, but the fact is they're the same person they've always been!! All they need is to realize it's bullshit and it will disappear!!

To be honest I think I'll get these checks done to put my mind at rest and then I'll get on with my life. I'm fairly certain there's nothing wrong with me, so I just need to keep occupied and do what I do best; being me!!

10-01-12, 23:00
After all the thing with anxiety recovery seems to be recognizing what anxiety is.
This I think is so very true. It can also be a huge relief knowing that it is anxiety causing the physical symptoms and somehow a weight off the shoulder. But that is only the start of a lot of hard work and this recovery business is like a roller coaster at times.

But in the meantime I would consult honestly with your doc to get the answers and diagnosis that you need to move forward. If it does turn out to be anxiety related, there are many ways to help yourself, good luck!