View Full Version : I am happy today :-)

10-01-12, 20:28
Hi everyone, just thought I would post a little message to tell my story.

The last few months have been a nightmare for me, I very stupidly had a brief affair last year in the summer (protected, but condom broke) and straight away I was convinced I had caught a STD, I was checked out for chlymadia and ghonnorea (spelt wrong) and it was all fine, but I was convinced I had something. Over time, the anxiety got worse, started getting all the usual symptons, aches, pains, etc, and HIV krept into my mind, I started relating every little thing to that, I was having thoughts of how I would tell my wife, family, what would I do? run away? or worse? It started to ruin my life, it ruined christmas, I havn`t been eating or sleeping.

Up until this point I was just too scared to have a test, until today when it all got too much and I nearly passed out with the pressure. To cut a long story short, I had a test today and it was negative! I had convinced myself I had it and was ready to prepare for what was coming. I instantly felt a wave of relief, I broke down in the clinic, if only I had done it sooner!

I`m not looking for any sort of congratulations here because it was my own fault that I let this happen, the message I just wanted to get across was, even though it was the scariest thing I ever had to do, I couldn`t go on living my life thinking "what if" etc, and a test was the only thing that would let me hopefully start getting on with life again. I have been reading this site for months and it has helped me massivly, I just hope this might persuade someone in a similar situation to get a test if that`s what they are worried about, it is very easy for me to say that now obviously, but it has to be done to put your mind at ease.

Thank you for reading.