View Full Version : My friends dog got my toothbrush in his mouth

10-01-12, 21:04
Hi im round my friends and i bought my toothbrush with me and he got in my bag and pulled the bristsles out with his mouth. If i run it under hot water is it ok to use?

10-01-12, 21:15
Errr, I wouldn't .....urgh....dogs lick their bums ! Lol

10-01-12, 21:24
lol. i ran it under hot water and used it anyway haha. now im worried ill get worms even though they worm the dog and his 99.999 per cent not even got them!

---------- Post added at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 21:24 ----------

going to buy a new brush tommorow :)

10-01-12, 22:06
Gross! I would just throw it out and buy a new one! I doubt it'll make you sick but I would just be too disgusted to use it.

10-01-12, 22:42
My dog has this habit of sticking her tongue in other peoples mouths when they are unaware of it. She has done it to me quite a bit and I do get annoyed with her when she does it but I never got sick from it and yes it is grose but I think you will be ok but yes buy a new toothbrush anyway considering he wrecked that one.

10-01-12, 23:03

Relax hun. I'm positive you will come to no harm. :flowers:


10-01-12, 23:11
Dogs mouths are cleaner than ours. You'll be fine!

11-01-12, 00:00
Hi im round my friends and i bought my toothbrush with me and he got in my bag and pulled the bristsles out with his mouth. If i run it under hot water is it ok to use?

Nope I would defo get rid of it;

Get another one, they are very cheap


11-01-12, 08:51
Get another, but it wont do you any harm, unless the dog has just been licking or eating something dirty, then you wont catch anything. My dog licks me all the time, and I have never been ill from it

12-01-12, 23:01
Thanks. i bought a new soft brush.
the pain in sore gum i cut is fading but the pain in my others gum is not fading (i get the pain only when brushing ) very worried about cancer

---------- Post added at 20:01 ---------- Previous post was at 20:00 ----------

its so sore when i brush and hurts so much when i brush. i brush the same all round so wouldnt that make all my teeth sore and the pain is not fading like my cut gum. so it cant be brushing.
i have dentist next week but im scared as hell its cancer

---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:01 ----------

it is hurt for weeks now when i brush the top gums...
i tested my other gum to see if its because i brushed too hard but thats healing so it cant be that i brush to hard. i really am getting wound up and upset over it

---------- Post added at 23:01 ---------- Previous post was at 21:38 ----------

unless its rotting but i look after my teeth so well.

william wallace
12-01-12, 23:52
In the wars again Emma. Howz you pal havent saw you on for a few days?

13-01-12, 17:09
Not good today- got white spots on gum were the pain is when i brush lol.
Hows u ?

13-01-12, 18:11
i wouldnt worry bout dog, they have antispetic in their saliva, which is how they heal their cuts by licking... i notice my dogs tend to try and lick me if i have a cut.. and when they have managed to , i do notice healing is faster.

13-01-12, 18:30
I didn't know that. Thanks im not so worried about it now.
But i am worried about the pain/bleeding when brushing and the white spots thinks on my gum.
Its not because i brush to hard as i cut another gum with a brish to test it and thats healing but the other gum isnt. it hurts a lot to brush. along with the white spots were it hurts. i am convinced its cancerous.

---------- Post added at 18:30 ---------- Previous post was at 18:13 ----------

My nan got sent a video by her friend of me and my brother when i was about 6 and he was 3- it made me really upset watching- seeing how happy i looked then and then thinking that person wont be alive much longer.

13-01-12, 18:38
Dogs are not dirty but I would not have done what you did, my dogs breathe stinks!:)

13-01-12, 21:18
My nans dogs breath can stink sometimes however my friends dogs breath i have never noticed a stench from lol.
Im just so scared at the moment that i think i might google :'(

---------- Post added at 19:04 ---------- Previous post was at 18:51 ----------

this is exactly what i have
i also stupidly read this
These spots can be tiny or as large as a quarter; they are not cancerous but could indicate a pre-cancerous condition arising from chronic irritation"
"Oral Cancer often starts as a tiny, unnoticed white or red spot or sore anywhere in the mouth."
I just saw it today- it was not there before. its also were i have the pain when brushing

---------- Post added at 19:26 ---------- Previous post was at 19:04 ----------

it also hurts badly to press against the area and not any other area of my gum. its just so worrying that the spots are were the pain is

---------- Post added at 21:18 ---------- Previous post was at 19:26 ----------

I know im beyond help but how do i survive until i see the dentist next week.
I feel like i have to accept/prepare to die and that the dentist will till me i have oral cancer.
the white spots are a sign of cancer and i can not rationallise it. i can chest pain, muscles aches, colds etc but not this.

13-01-12, 21:29
Emma you are not going to die you need to stop brushing so hard as this can not be helping at all.

you know the sort of answers you will get if you google so you need to STOP as this will bring up all sorts of things that you do not want to see........most of which will be no help at all to you as it will come up with the worst posible senario.

13-01-12, 22:11
Hi Emma,
Do you eat a lot of acidic foods? Espcially oranges and orange juice?
I love clementines BUT when I have 2-3 a day I develop kanker sores around my gums and in my cheeks...and holy crap those things hurt!
They look like white sores and are extremely painful, and they get worse if you play with them..just a thought! :)

13-01-12, 22:24

You are stuck far down the "catastrophic thinking" road! I know 'cause I've been there and it ain't fun. You have to believe that these terrible thoughts do not equal reality. They are just thoughts.

It really sounds like you are brushing too hard. Remember too that any kind of little cut in your mouth will turn white as it heals. Can you get an electric toothbrush? That might help.

14-01-12, 09:03
Stop brushing your teeth in the area where it is sore, if you have a cut and keep brushing it it will never heal.

Brush the rest of your teeth as normal, then a mouthwash instead that will clean the area fine, but give the cut time to heal properly.

14-01-12, 15:59
Thanks people.
Today i woke up with a weird feeling in yet another area of gum. its been cut for over 6 months now with black bit in the middle and feels funny today. Ahh life is not fun at the moment. meant to be going out tonight- quite happy in though- dinner infront of the tv and wathcing rubbish on tele.

---------- Post added at 15:59 ---------- Previous post was at 15:39 ----------

just looked at gums and its not the cut gum that feels strange the one next to it.

14-01-12, 20:32
I went out and couldnt stop shaking the whole time so i came back home.
Im just so panicky i woke up with another gum problem in a different place and i want to see the dentist but i dont want to be told i have cancer.

---------- Post added at 20:21 ---------- Previous post was at 20:01 ----------

It's really interapting with my life aswell. I cant concentrate on anything else. Also my nans best friend has phoned my nan complaing off teeth problems tonight.

---------- Post added at 20:32 ---------- Previous post was at 20:21 ----------

also very sore on the inside of my lip and very bumpy :(