View Full Version : really scared

11-01-12, 08:05
I have started back on Citalopram again today. I am really scared because of how it makes me feel in the first week. anyone got any advice on how to cope? also does anyone use rescue remedy along side it?

11-01-12, 09:47
Hi Sophie :)

You will be okay :) the first week for me was horrible like many others, the thing that got me through was. This forum and keeping my mind on something ( I watched my favorite tv show, just walked around the house, spoke to people :)
If you have someone to come over call is a good distraction.
When you can't eat I would have dry crackers an water until I felt like something else I had grapes :) then slowly started eating toast etc.
Just make sure you have everything u feel safe and happy with, with u be comfortable and just ride it out and keep telling yourself you know it doesn't last and when u come out of it your a much steonger person :)
Good luck keep me informed on how you go :D

I have started back on Citalopram again today. I am really scared because of how it makes me feel in the first week. anyone got any advice on how to cope? also does anyone use rescue remedy along side it?

william wallace
11-01-12, 09:56
Like Goggy says, try to stay in your comfort zone:hugs:

11-01-12, 09:59
Hi Sophie,

I used rescue remedy while on Citalopram and still use it now im on Escitalopram.
Works well for me.

11-01-12, 10:10
Yes, try to distract yourself Sophie. I know that's easier said than done but if you keep your mind occupied you just might. It's all to help though.... So try and think like that!
Good luck xx

11-01-12, 20:06
Thanks to all of you for your reassurance and guidance. it is much appreciated. x:DDay 2 tomorrow!