View Full Version : Trapped Wind.....or something more serious?

11-01-12, 08:13
For the past couple of weeks on an almost daily basis I have been getting a really uncomfortable abdomen. It feels like I really need to pass wind or go to the toilet, but I don't and it feels like the pressure is just building and building, I have tried a lot of stuff but not much is helping. I also get lower abdomen throbbing like period pain and also backache. I never used to worry about this when I used to get it occasionly, but now I am getting it more and more I am starting to worry it might be serious!!! Anyone else suffer from this on a daily basis and how do you cope?

11-01-12, 11:39

Do you eat a lot of veg???? I do and tend to feel quite gassey....I found drinking herbal tea's like green and fennel tea helped, lots of water to make you go to the loo ok:blush:....sorry personal question but are your bowel movements ok??? exercise is also crucial to keep things moving!!!! and I know how difficult this is but try not to "zone" in on this pain....stress and anxiety makes it feel much worse xxx