View Full Version : Relationships

10-06-06, 23:15

Some of you are aware (if you know me) that I went out with Mike last year. Unfortunatly we split just before our year anniversarry, united a few days later, and we then broke up again three weeks later. For a month of not being together we rowed a bit but we settled our differences. Also Mike started to become depressed and couldn't keep food down.

Four days ago we went back out, yes again, and now people are not happy with it. My parents found out today and stopped talking to me. Mike's best friend doesn't like me because of the 'way I treated Mike' and I doubt his parents will like me either, nor his sibblings.

This is making me so anxious because I'm scared that if I bump into anyone I know when I'm with Mike they will probably tut at me and walk away or if I see any of Mike's friends I'm worried that they will ignore me or talk about me behind my back. I really love Mike I want him to be happy as well as myself but this anxiety is just horrible!

My symptoms are that I am thirsty all the time and I keep drinking loads of water, my sleeping pattern is ****ed up and I realised that I'm not easting as much. Also I panic when I talk to his sibblings and friends.

Two questions, firstly how can I over come the anxiety so everything can be back to normal and secondly how long shall I leave not spending time at Mike's house and him spending time here because I can only see him on the odd days as we have a sex life (sorry for that bit of information).

PS My best friend and the majority of my friends are pleased for me and Mike, why not everyone else?

Scooties Back

10-06-06, 23:54
Sound sto me like youa re only going to beat this anxiety one of two ways. Either, bite the bullet and tell people, at least its then out in the open OR you have to accept that it doesn't matter what people think. You could use positive reenforcement methods for this. The important thing is not to worry about your anxiety symptoms, just now they ARE anxiety symptoms and then that is half the problem solved. As things start to resolve, your symptoms will vanish.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

11-06-06, 08:20
Hi Hun,

don't worry wot people are saying they don't have to live your life u do and if u and your man are happy then so be it.
if u both know u wish to b toghther then just go ahead at the end of the day it's only u two in the relationship all u have to do is make sure u are both happy.
my mum always used to tell me in situations like this
what's in todays news papers is Tomorrows fish & chip paper.

people will just have to get used to it, if they dont like it then let them carry on, life is way to short.

be happy hun,

Love & Light

11-06-06, 08:57
Hiya thanks for the comments

I always try to say to myself that I am the person going out with him and no one else. Fair enough I dumped him twice but he is really happy now and I'm very happy with him, I can't see the problem.

Thanks again x

Scooties Back

13-06-06, 07:48
Hi Jade,

Great to hear you are back with Mike [^]:D:D

You can please some of the poeple some of the time, BUT you can't please all of the poeple all of the time.
Jade, your going to have to change your thought pattern on this if you want to stay with Mike. Don't let other people's oppinion get in the way of your happiness.

**I can't see the problem**
You have already started, if you can't see a problem then whats the problem. A problem is only as big as you make it. Well thats what I say and it seems to be working with my very large problem at the mo.

You take care Jade.

Thinking of you


14-06-06, 13:36
Hiya Jill

I think because I am a fragile person nasty comments really get to me and I react badly (panic attacks and palputations) but not all the time because I'm just greatful with what I have, and that's Mike :)

Our parents know now about me and Mike. My parents took it better then his but mine aren't over the moon about it. His mum is kind of upset. My Dad was rude to me about it when I came home from seeing him when he said "Dumped Mike recently?" oooooo I was mad! But so far, so good.

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