View Full Version : Inner Ear Infection....I Think

11-01-12, 12:05
Hi All,

Not sure if many of you followed my thread last week but I ended up getting sent home from work last Tuesday with extreme dizziness and it has been with me since along with a virus and bad sinusitis.

Now my sinuses are clearing up, from Wednesday - yesterday I had really bad symptoms - blocked nose, dizziness, a bit of vertigo, upset tummy, front of face full of pressure, ringing in my ears, anxious and feeling like I am catching my breath.

Now today, my ears are still ringing, I still feel dizzy, anxious and catching my breath at times when I panic. When I went to the Dr's on Monday she gave me antibiotics for my sinus and said I did have fluid in my ears and that is what is causing the balance problems. Well it's still here and it has completely ruined my anxiety. I was doing fine up until last week and now that I am constantly dizzy, I don't want to go outside and last week I was convincing myself it was a brain tumour/underlying illness. I have a brief period today where I try to convinve myself of that but the constant ringing in my ears always is a reminder that it is a viral inner ear infection.

I just wonder if anyone has had these symptoms and how long they last for? It has completely ruined my time back in London, I am off work at the moment and I don't know when I will be able to go back, i'm too frightened to go feeling like this or worried in case I go really dizzy again, help :(

11-01-12, 12:22
My son had viral labyrithitis when he was a teenager as did a couple of friends of mine in past few years and they all had a terrible 2-3 weeks, one friend was off work 6 weeks and then they were suddenly better. But they all found that if they got very very tired or very stressed it came back again for 24-46 hrs??? Weird but happened to all of them.

You need to wait for the antibitoics to work for any bacterial infection in your sinuses to go and this could let your ears drain of fluid. If you finish the tablets and are no better then do go back to your GP but ear viruses can last quite a few weeks on their own.

I have vertigo due to damaged neck so I sypathise totally as there is nothing more scary than dizziness and vertigo and with me always triggers a huge adrenaliln rseponse where i have to rush to loo and then I get weird sensations when I try and fall asleep so you have my compelte sympathy

11-01-12, 12:45
Hi ,
sorry you feel ill.
Id agree with the above post. Ive had labyrinthritis for the last 2 winters and mine took about 2 weeks to go-although it did get better every day until it went.
Apparently your balance mechanisms are confused but the body will try and right itself over time.
I too thought the worse ! and using the computor made mine come on.
You ll be fine try to rest and avoid sudden movements.
Hope you get better soon x