View Full Version : Help.... is this normal?

11-01-12, 13:50
I have suffered with Panic Attacks on and off for the last few years. When I get a Panic Attack, I go all funny all of a sudden whereby I feel light-headed, breathless, my left arm goes tingly and numb and I feel like I want to run away from wherever I am. These happen at the most daft times, i.e walking up stairs or at work.

Even when I don't have a "Panic Attack", I feel light-headed some of the time and I feel like I am living in a fog, where by head is not clear and I feel off balance.

There are some weeks where I feel great and can live a normal life then there are weeks where this happens two or three times a week and I feel so scared and worried that there is something wrong with my health.

I have visited the GP over the years and they do reassure me but lookily I try and self-manage without medication as it comes and goes.

Are these symptoms normal?


11-01-12, 14:10
I feel like this now I have pins and needles with all of that above ..hope u feel better soon

11-01-12, 15:07
Thanks Jessica, I just wish it would go away :(.

Hope you feel better soon

11-01-12, 20:54
Hiya, I get exactly the same and unfortunatly for 9 years now but what am pleased to say is that my 'episodes' are infrequent now and t can be months between them. I dont have medication either as they dont happen as often now. Just wanted you to know that there are many people on here experiancing the same as you and your not alone hun xx

16-01-12, 01:58
When my panic attacks were at their worst i would get that cold-chest feeling, tingly around my mouth and down my arms, breathless, spaced out and i would feel the need to run. Anywhere. As fast as i could. This was to try and expell the nervous energy i had in my body. It never worked. It just made my panic attacks go on for a bit longer AND i'd feel dry mouthed, out of breath and generally terrible.

If i rode those symptoms out and didn't run i would generally calm down a good hour earlier than running would allow.

So, yeah, those sound pretty normal to me.

18-01-12, 16:19
Yep I have had all the above off and on for months, instead of running now I just accept the symptoms for what they are 'Anxiety' and let them pass. Breath, get some fresh air, go for a walk. As you know eventually they go. Not sure why they keep coming back and always out of the blue.

18-01-12, 16:52
Yes, I feel like that too.

I have felt so off-kilter with the lightheaded feeling/dizziness/derealization that I had to stop what I was doing (walking down a street) and prop myself up against a wall, call my husband (who was at work 45 miles away :blush:] and get him to come and collect me. I really thought that I was going to die that minute. It was horrible.

I've learned how to manage it now, partly this is down to beta-blockers helping out with the rapid heartbeats which can make the feeling in your head worse.

You're not alone in feeling like this and I think that just knowing that can be a huge help.

---------- Post added at 16:52 ---------- Previous post was at 16:51 ----------

ps - I don't even have to be having an attack to feel like it. It just happens sometimes but it IS usually at a time when I am concentrating on my HA...