View Full Version : Strange/Burning Smells

11-01-12, 14:24
My HA flared up about a month or so ago. I was in a store a few weeks ago and I smelled perfume very strongly. I was several feet behind the woman wearing it so I felt like I had super senses. There is no way she had that much perfume on, I felt like it was up my nose. Then, I noticed a really strong "warm" smell in my car that no one else noticed- again, super senses I believe.

One day at work, I started smelling smoke. I freaked thinking something was on fire, but it wasn't. Since then, I get this smell several times a day. I have thought the worse (of course) like a brain tumor.

Does anyone else get these sort of smells? I never had them before my anxiety got bad.

11-01-12, 17:50
At the moment I'm in heightened anxiety and I too seem to be super sensitive to smells... Particularly coffee and perfume from quite a distance!

12-01-12, 02:30
Anyone else?

12-01-12, 02:59
I had the smelling smoke thing for about 2 months when my HA first started almost 3 years ago. Of course I googled and scared myself thinking brain tumor also. Doctor wasn't concerned since I wasn't experiencing any other worrisome symptoms but I had an MRI and CT scan (by my request) and nothing sinister was ever found. Just as randomly as the smelling smoke sensation came, it left just as quickly. I read it could also be due to sinus issues so try not to panic... If it was a brain tumor I would be long gone!! You can always pop into see a doctor for piece of mind. Xx

12-01-12, 03:11
Thanks for the reply...I really try to avoid tests that aren't super necessary because with my luck there will be a gray area and I would freak myself out. I have a history of migraines so I know that can make brain scans look a little funny. I am trying to avoid going down the testing road for now.

---------- Post added at 22:11 ---------- Previous post was at 22:02 ----------

Oh, and thinking about it... I had a CT Scan about a year and a half ago that was normal. I know that was some time ago but I'm hopeful that will help me get my mind off of it a little bit. This is a new symptom, but it did not start until I had a "relapse" of my HA.