View Full Version : Seeing GP in an hour, anyone around for some quick advice?

11-01-12, 14:45

I wonder if there's anyone who can advise me?
Quick background..... I have suffered from anxiety for last few years. Last major panic attack was about 3 years ago. I work full time as a teaching assistant have 3 boys. Have been able to get a reasonable grip on anxiety lately. However on 1st day return to work, I know I was extremely over tired (a sure trigger for anxiety) By the afternoon for the 1st time ever I felt a panic attack coming while at work and left. The next 2 days were my worst ever, in constant panic. GP gave me Diazepam which helped immensely.
Now today (still off work btw) I am feeling much better, still underlying anxiety but have been out & about, but I am seeing GP with a view to going on some medication. Beta Blockers or Fluoxetine have been mentioned. I have a BIG fear of taking something & then actually feeling worse. Now should I try something & if so what way would you recommend as above or should I just try to cope with how I am. Although I feel ok now, the thought of going back to work makes me feel panicky again.
Hope I've made some sense, it's just I haven't got long till my appt!
Thanks in advance :)

11-01-12, 14:53
Im on fluoxetine and I wont lie to you...first few weeks are hard....I got all the side effects and more,but everyone is different

If you have time read my diary

dont let it put you off.....I feel great now and havent had a panic attack for 2 weeks......I feel very chilled,in fact,so its working for me.good luck at the docs x

---------- Post added at 14:53 ---------- Previous post was at 14:52 ----------

& beta blockers did nothing for me,but i was only on a low dose 30mg and you have to build it up,so neither are a quick fix really.....I recommend AD's

11-01-12, 15:04
Thank you so much. My mum is on beta blockers (for a heart condition) & I know she has NO energy at all because of the heart being slowed. I'm thinking I don't really need that, I have no energy as it is! :roflmao:
I WILL be strong & try something & stick with it, I'm just worried about being fit for work?

---------- Post added at 15:04 ---------- Previous post was at 15:01 ----------

Oh & btw, I DID try Fluoxetine for about a week a couple of years ago (no staying power I have!) But I had the most bizarre & vivid dreams! Is that normal & does it pass?

11-01-12, 15:10
yes its normal and it does pass.you may get heightened anxiety from about day 5-10 but this too passes.......it really affected my sleep too,I got severe insomnia,so if youre working perhaps maybe try something else? or if you can,take some time off work? or maybe keeping occupied would be better,if you can manage the disruptive sleep...
oh and another crappy side effect of fluoxetine is reduced libido (actually mines disappeared) but im hoping that will get better in a few weeks when i start sleeping better

11-01-12, 17:10
Thanks again. Well, if I need to be signed off so be it, they can't fire me can they!?
I've just read through your blog & no doubt if I get prescribed anything I'll be sure to join in:)
It's very reassuring to read how you are getting on. Luckily I do have an understanding hubby & with this anxiety atm my libido is zero too so things can only get better I suppose!
I'll be following your progress with interest.

---------- Post added at 15:27 ---------- Previous post was at 15:24 ----------

Maybe I'll get a few more diazepam to take if needed for night time. Just need to be a bit more outspoken & say what I want with the GP this time! :unsure:

---------- Post added at 17:10 ---------- Previous post was at 15:27 ----------

Well, just to update GP said he was not going to prescribe AD. Have prescription for Propranolol 40mg once a day. So let's see how they go.....
Still have a few Diazepam left which he said I can take if needed, got 2 go back in 2 weeks if they're not helping or 1 month if they seem ok.
Signed off work till Monday, but think I need to rethink my hours. Some can cope with running a family & full time job, but I'm obviously not one! Oh well......

11-01-12, 17:52
First of all , well done you for coping so well!

I'm the same - i hate taking medication because im scared of the side affects. I've done well without medication and used all natural remedies.

The best ones are :

Rescue Remedy
Omega 3 Eskimo Fish Oil

Propranolol (beta blocker) is really good and has no side affects. They give it to people that are learning to drive because it stops the racing heart beat. They can make you a little tired, depending on how tense you are, but thats only because its calming your body down so you get a little sleepy lol.

But exercise helps a lot too because it releases seratoin which keeps your mood up.

Hope this helps =)


11-01-12, 20:44
Thank you. I think I def need to get on here more, not just when I'm at my wits end, as just reading other posts helps :)
Now I'm wondering, if anyone can help (maybe I need this on a different thread) the best time of day to take my 1 pill. Looks like the 1 40mg pill is not much compared to what others seem to be taking and if it only lasts a few hours, that's not much good is it?:wacko:
I'm going back to work Monday, so if I take it in the morning will it make me sleepy? I can tell you I walk round half asleep daydreaming most of the time without pills, so don't want to make myself worse esp in class of 32 kids! (I'm a teaching asst btw) lol.
Feeling more confident trying proponolol as less side effects, but as always my pill anxiety is still prob gonna give me imagined side effects!
Oh what complex ppl we are! :wacko:

---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 20:42 ----------

Btw. I do usually cope on Kalms & rescue remedy too. But just feeling overwhelmed atm. Hopefully it won't be for long :)