View Full Version : Constant panic attacks!

11-01-12, 15:56
For the past few days I've had constant panic attacks and feeling sick. I'm sat down now and I'm still like gasping for air all the time. I wake during the night to with the same feeling and have horrid dreams and wake feeling like I'm no longer in my body and everything just seems a blur.
My hearts pounding now and I'm shaking. Im scared my meds no longer work and if thay get changed I'll be back to square one with the terrible side effects :-(

11-01-12, 16:48
hey i have this to. Your not alone. I cant take any meds as i had such bad reactions my doc took me off them. I just want to know how to control it and how to be able to go out again. Im on the verge of loosing my job to. I have been told to breathe in for 4seconds hold it for 2seconds and breathe out for 6seconds. This unfortunally does not help me but worth a try

11-01-12, 16:59
I'm sorry to hear u might lose ur job, r u having any therapy?? I reacted badly to alot of meds and would stop taking them. I than tried escitalopram and felt little sicky but it only lasted a couple days. I've been on them 2 years but I'm not really feeling the effects of them nomore. I'm having more and more panics and crying alot. Sending u a big hug :hugs: xx

11-01-12, 17:09
No not having any therapy. Am seeing a councellor on friday so im hoping this is going to help.

Its such a horible feeling being paniky isnt it? Do you have anything thats helps you calm down or prevent them from happening?

Can you ask your docs to up your meds, maybe that would help. After being on them for 2years your body is probly used to them by now.

11-01-12, 17:14
H26 I definitely thinks it's worth a visit to your GP, a chat if nothing else, perhaps just the thought that your meds might not be working is enough to set your panic off!!

Keep me posted xx

11-01-12, 17:49
Try to distract yourself x Do things, keep your mind busy - its hard, I know it is, but you've gotta really push yourself.

Go for a walk or a jog, tidy the house, hoover, read a funny book. Just do anything to keep your mind off of worrying and panicking!

its hard at first but with practice its easier.
