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11-01-12, 16:15
Hi guys for the last week or so ive been boaring yous to death with my problems today i phoned the docs to see if my blood work came in and i was told by the lady on reception it was ok she couldnt go into details just that the doc said it was fine i should be happy but for some reason im still in panic mode

do you think they would have been able to rule out cancer from the blood work and i think they did test my liver so i presume that is ok

11-01-12, 16:42
The reason you're still in panic mode is the very nature of Health Anxiety I believe.
The constant need for reassurance that you're not ill.
You can have every test in the world but there comes a point when you just have to tell yourself stop because 2 months after your latest test you might get a symptom and doubt whether the Dr is right or whether he missed something.
This is a really hard lesson to learn and I think there'll always be a part in an anxiety sufferers mind 'what if I really am ill?' I still get these thoughts but they're much reduced from when I started with health anxiety.
Are you in a place right now when you can say without freaking out 'worrying and getting excessive tests will not stop me from getting cancer or having a heart attack. I need to live my life now in the present as it is with sensible recommended health checks but if the Dr doesn't think I need another test then I will trust him'
I'm not at that place yet! But I'm getting there and I do believe you can too with persistance and determination.
Best wishes

11-01-12, 17:12
'worrying and getting excessive tests will not stop me from getting cancer or having a heart attack. I need to live my life now in the present as it is with sensible recommended health checks but if the Dr doesn't think I need another test then I will trust him'

I am not at that point yet, but I can't wait until I am. Well put!

11-01-12, 17:27
Hi guys for the last week or so ive been boaring yous to death with my problems today i phoned the docs to see if my blood work came in and i was told by the lady on reception it was ok she couldnt go into details just that the doc said it was fine i should be happy but for some reason im still in panic mode

do you think they would have been able to rule out cancer from the blood work and i think they did test my liver so i presume that is ok

Hi Mate

If the blood test has come back fine ....relax :yesyes:
What my Dr told me was that it would pick up "something" a miss if it didn,t come back ok . This would then be looked into further.

The "something a miss " would not neccearly mean something sinister , it could mean anemea , and a dozen or more simple things that can be trearted.

You need no more blood tests as this one was fine .

Thats what my DR told me 14 months ago . Have a good evening .


11-01-12, 17:45
Thanks for the replys guys ive found the last 10 days or so quite hard this site is a god send for getting things off your chest so thanks everyone.