View Full Version : Tingly Face and Scalp: Looking for Advice

11-01-12, 18:03
Hi Everybody,
So I'm a 21 year old female and recently I had a pretty bad reaction to a pain medicine I was given in the hospital. My face went numb and I had all kinds of weird muscle and joint stuff go on. It tore my system up something awful to the point I couldn't eat or even drink water. So my doctor put me on a medicine for my stomach but after 11 days I started to get side effects from that too. I am very medicine sensitive anyway. But here is my major dilemma, all of this has sent my anxiety into over drive. It has been a little over a month since this whole ordeal started and I am still having trouble.

As of right now I am having tingly sensations in my head (probably more in my scalp than inside my head) and in face and the left side of my mouth feels like sometimes the nerves are weakened. I know it isn't in the muscle because the left side of my mouth doesn't look droopy it only feels funny to me.

Is this something that I should be concerned about or do these sensations make sense with everything I've gone through lately?

Thanks for any advice anyone can give
xoxo RaeJae

PS. My doctor wants to start me on 20mg of Celexa. Does anyone recommend taking/not taking it?

13-01-12, 13:51
i get that tingling in my face and on my head , more so if im trying to sleep in the day and nod off its apain up the ass , but its anxiety , xx

13-01-12, 13:58
Ive just posted same thing about haven tingly feeling on scalp and forhead into eyes and face it awfull