View Full Version : Dipstick showed blood in urine - convinced I have cancer

11-01-12, 18:48
Hello everyone,

My HA is in full force right now and I'm really scared. I went for a physical about 2 weeks ago and everything checked out fine, except the dipstick urine test showed "trace" blood.

The doctor did't seem concerned but I wanted to retest and sure enough, it's showing "trace" to "small" amount of blood.

I'm going to a urologist tomorrow morning and I just keep thinking that I have bladder cancer. Of course I googled and now I'm convinced I'm going to have to go through surgery, etc.

I am a 42 year old male - never smoked. My wife thinks its just a UTI but I know males don't usually get UTIs.

11-01-12, 19:16
Hiya. If it makes you feel better, I ALWAYS have white cells, protein and often blood in my urine. I have had sooo many tests on my bladder, flexible cytoscopies etc, but in the end they found nothing wrong. They said I have interstitial cystitus, with no cause.
Don';t worry, I was convinced I had bladder cancer, and it was nothing like it!

11-01-12, 20:03
Thanks, Miggy.

I appreciate it. I know my HA is in full force because I keep thinking that "this time" it's really going to be cancer. Of course I have thought that before...

11-01-12, 23:26
Is this the first time you have had the dipstick test by any chance? I have normal functioning kidneys but they leak slightly and so I have always had traces of blood and protein in my urine. This was first picked up with me 30 years ago. I have had all the tests including a recent cystoscopy to make sure I did not have bladder polyps and all well so its as was diagnosed 30 yrs ago leaky kidneys due to over large filters.

Obviously you need to have tests to rule out any problems so you will likey have an ultrasound and a camera in bladder and check on your prostate being a man but you could be like me and lots of others just with leaky kidneys

12-01-12, 00:57
I think I had one of these tests like 12 years ago and I remember that one showing blood as well. At the time I was having some kind of irritation in my urethra so I didn't worry about it.

What's funny is that I do feel some minor pain and I have being urinating more frequently than usual (which could mean UTI). However I can't tell if these are real symptoms or just happening because I've been thinking so much about all this.

I am so scared right now.

12-01-12, 01:04
Mine shows blood most times I do a test then further tests show nothing. I think the dipstick tests can be inaccurate

12-01-12, 09:03
Mostly, doctors say there's blood in the urine but it is traces of blood, not millilitres of it! :D Blood in urine can also come from exertion. Have you had to run anywhere recently? Have you lifted something heavy like trying to move a sofa? These can cause blood in urine.

12-01-12, 09:45

Hope all goes well at the urologists!

I sometimes find traces of blood in urine, my gp is not concerned at all because I have no other symptoms. When testing with a dipstick if you do find a trace of blood wait at least 2 days before testing again:D

12-01-12, 18:37
Update: Saw the Urologist today, his first thought is that it is a prostate infection. Got antibiotics and have to go back in 3 weeks.

He said he really doubted that it was something bad. I feel better and I just need to try and not worry for 3 weeks.

I have an appointment with a Psychiatrist next week and I want to try medication. I never have before and I feel like it's time for me. I've had enough of these dark thoughts.

10-07-15, 09:48
Hi, I have suffered from UTIs for years now, and I assume with blood in the sample. This year 3 infections and my doc says blood in sample so sending me for tests. Of course convinced that I have bladder cancer. Feel so scared.

10-07-15, 10:50
Update: Saw the Urologist today, his first thought is that it is a prostate infection. Got antibiotics and have to go back in 3 weeks.

He said he really doubted that it was something bad. I feel better and I just need to try and not worry for 3 weeks.

I have an appointment with a Psychiatrist next week and I want to try medication. I never have before and I feel like it's time for me. I've had enough of these dark thoughts.


I have just gone through the same thing. The problem with prostitis is that it is very difficult to identify 100% and if suspected it needs a pretty long course of anti biotics.I think the urologist can't do anymore.I wouldn't be too worried , though it is often annoying and uncomfortable.