View Full Version : Over 2 years of MS symptoms...

11-01-12, 19:26
...driving me mad.

Started off with my arm dead. Couldn't move it to pick up the remote. There was no reason for that to happen. I just did.

I went to a neuro had an MRI - diagnoses - NOTHING.

Since that appointment, i have had more and more symptoms....

EXTREME exhaustion. Constantly.
Mood swings.
Twitching - eye, lip, tongue, fingers, any muscle in the body
Numbness - various parts of the body inc. face/fingers/feet/hand
Widespread pain.
Internal vibrations
Sensation of water on legs.. yet legs are dry.
Cold sensation on arm, like a draft is blowing.. no draft and arm is warm
Heavy/weak - arms and legs.
Foot tinglings if i touch the top of it.
Brain doesn't seem to want to work properly, I have been writing this for about 45 minutes, but keep noticing stupid little spelling mistakes. I've always been good at grammar/punctuation an spelling.

This is ONGOING symptoms. I have them pretty much all the time, not at the same time, but a lot.

Have another neuro appointment. I didn't ask for it, i went to the doctors about something completely unrelated and she noticed my right arm had the shakes, that had been going on for 3 weeks at the time, i wasn't bothered, the doctor was... :(

Very scared.

11-01-12, 21:11
They are ALL anxiety symptoms, however I think your doc was right to send you to a neuro, not because it has to be MS but just in case.

Tell yourself it's anxiety, chances are it is :)

12-01-12, 10:57
Not this time.. What i feel is NOT my 'normal' anxiety feelings. My panic/anxiety show's itself in breathlessness and stomach issues.

12-01-12, 13:23
My eye has been twitching for about 2 weeks now.. I get the cold water thing on my legs, several times Ive checked to see if my water has spilled on me. Twice Ive stood up and just dropped like a sack of spuds (didnt get any sympathy when my fiance was finally with me to witness something.. He just looked at me gone-out and said "what ARE you doing, get up?" Thanks! lol).

Im always tired.. which I contribute to the twitchy eye atm, Ive not been sleeping.

Sometimes Im just dizzy, I turn around and Im still swaying, like Im on a boat. I went to the gp and a locum gave me a full check up but the symptoms still come and go. Infact Ive given up now and think well if I do have it, I have it, theres not much I can do about it.. Im just going to wait, try and ignore it and leave it a few yrs and see! Im hoping it just goes away as I learn to cope with my anxiety, if it doesnt then I will do something later down the line. Ive learned the more I go to the GP, the less Im taken seriously.. they IMMEDIATELY put every last thing down to my anxiety now so I give up with them!

Im sure you are fine, I think MS is one of the top H.A worries.. And yes, HA can present in MANY ways and feel VERY real, its almost scary.. well not almost, it just is scary!

12-01-12, 18:54
hey thank for the post, i get all of these symptoms too ive contstantly been looking for answers.. had a brain mri few months back nothing... anxiety does cause alot of symptoms and what ur describing "not a normal feeling" i can understand as im going through this aswell.. im glad ur doc is sending u to a neuro because mine thinks im a joke, anyways im wishing u all the best with ur problems, chances are its anxiety :flowers: