View Full Version : I think i'm dying, someone please help me.

11-01-12, 20:12
Yes, you probably looked at this title and thought 'not another one who thinks he has a brain tumor' but please take time to read my story :weep:

I have suffered from mild anxiety from a young age around 11-12, I live with my mum and 2 younger brothers so I have always felt responsible of being the man of the house, Around a year ago I overcame my constant worry about my family dying for example ringing my brothers friends when he was out or checking on my mum every 2 minutes if she was in bed with a migraine to see if she was still alive, I laugh at that now. In September 2011 I started college and loved it 2 and a half days a week, made new friends, it was fab! Then even better I got a part time job in a restaurant, on a great course at college and money in my bank, I was in dreamland! Then. In October I had my first ever panic attack, I blacked out for half a second, stood up and my heart was thumping at super speed, and thought I was having a heart attack as most people experience.

The night after the same happened again, so my dad took me to A&E to have an EKG/ECG and it came back fine. I was happy but the symptoms of constant worry didn't go away. The anxiety got worse and I went for a blood test and it came back fine too.

About a month later I noticed blurred vision when i woke up one morning and it scared me even more and symptom after symptom appeared blocked ears, forgetfulness, short term memory loss, this really scared me.

Around christmas time I was always exhausted, not participating in games, feeling depressed, felt unloving towards my family, the worst feeling ever.
On christmas day I started feeling a tingling on the right side of my face and head, I firstly thought brain tumor.
It came day after day after that, and then it started affecting my right arm and leg, feeling weak and then a numbness and temperature increase in the right side my face and right ear appeared and I also noticed that the vision disturbance was only in my right eye. And my brain really doesn't seem to be functioning properly. I feel very off balance when I stand up and feel like collapsing all the time. I get tingling on the right side of my head an awful lot which reminds me it's there when I try and distract myself along with all the other symptoms.

The symptoms are worst when I wake up then are unbearable in the evenings .

I have my CBT assessment tomorrow but it is really killing me, both the worry and the physical symptoms.

I'm in desperate need of help.

Would be so grateful, Jonny x :shrug:

11-01-12, 20:24
Yes, you probably looked at this title and thought 'not another one who thinks he has a brain tumor' but please take time to read my story :weep:

I have suffered from mild anxiety from a young age around 11-12, I live with my mum and 2 younger brothers so I have always felt responsible of being the man of the house, Around a year ago I overcame my constant worry about my family dying for example ringing my brothers friends when he was out or checking on my mum every 2 minutes if she was in bed with a migraine to see if she was still alive, I laugh at that now. In September 2011 I started college and loved it 2 and a half days a week, made new friends, it was fab! Then even better I got a part time job in a restaurant, on a great course at college and money in my bank, I was in dreamland! Then. In October I had my first ever panic attack, I blacked out for half a second, stood up and my heart was thumping at super speed, and thought I was having a heart attack as most people experience.

The night after the same happened again, so my dad took me to A&E to have an EKG/ECG and it came back fine. I was happy but the symptoms of constant worry didn't go away. The anxiety got worse and I went for a blood test and it came back fine too.

About a month later I noticed blurred vision when i woke up one morning and it scared me even more and symptom after symptom appeared blocked ears, forgetfulness, short term memory loss, this really scared me.

Around christmas time I was always exhausted, not participating in games, feeling depressed, felt unloving towards my family, the worst feeling ever.
On christmas day I started feeling a tingling on the right side of my face and head, I firstly thought brain tumor.
It came day after day after that, and then it started affecting my right arm and leg, feeling weak and then a numbness and temperature increase in the right side my face and right ear appeared and I also noticed that the vision disturbance was only in my right eye. And my brain really doesn't seem to be functioning properly. I feel very off balance when I stand up and feel like collapsing all the time. I get tingling on the right side of my head an awful lot which reminds me it's there when I try and distract myself along with all the other symptoms.

The symptoms are worst when I wake up then are unbearable in the evenings .

I have my CBT assessment tomorrow but it is really killing me, both the worry and the physical symptoms.

I'm in desperate need of help.

Would be so grateful, Jonny x :shrug:

11-01-12, 20:28
Hun as hard as it is ... it IS anxiety .... i had the paranoia too , thinking there was something seriously wrong. I was in A&E about twice a week for 5 months thinking i was dying and i wasnt ....

Just distract yourself, trust the doctors. Exercise regularly, get some fresh air and just calm yourself down xx its hard , i know it is , but sometimes we've gotta just but the barrier up and say "okay .... now i'm being silly , i can either fight this , or let it beat me and rule my life".

you can do it =) x

11-01-12, 20:29

I have suffered from GAD and HA for many, many years and I can tell you for sure when you dig yourself into a hole of worry, your fears seem very real. But (like you said) once you start climbing out of that hole, you start to think "how silly of me to worry about that."

It's good that you are going in for CBT. Personally I am not on medication but I have a friend who swears it has changed his life.

11-01-12, 20:29
Hi Johnny

Firstly...If you are worrying about this to the point it's making you ill and effecting your daily goings on, then please see your GP for reassurance. Sometimes having a professional opinion is just the thing to alleviate the added anxiety.

Secondly...I have known two people now that had brain tumours and your symptoms sound completely different hun. It's so easy, when we suffer from anxiety, to just right to the worst case scenario and it's never usually the case but do please see your gp for some reassurance.

Hope you feel loads better soon


11-01-12, 20:30
Hi Jonny

I too am
Struggling a bit at the moment but this all sounds normal
To me I have had same symptoms before and it was all anxiety..... Always good to get Urself checked etc which you did which is good.

Sounds like your having some symptom swapping issues which mean once you accept one another one is ready to take its place..... It sucks but that's anxiety for us!

11-01-12, 21:15
Thanks for all the comments, feel reassured and feels great not to be alone. :D xxx