View Full Version : Advice please

11-01-12, 20:24
Hi everyone,

I've been having some anxious moments of late due to stressors at work and general things that make us all anxious.

I take cit for my anxiety and depression and have Xanax on standby but I don't use them hardly at all..... Maybe I should more in cases of panic?

I have had numerous ECGs over the years by my GP, blood tests etc, and 8 months ago went to A&E re chest pains. I had a stress test etc , bloods and a chest xray which showed I had a perfectly healthy heart.

I still think there is something wrong or missed etc as we do and lately I've been worrying myself sick... I went to the doctor last night and said maybe I should go get a ultra sound and he was like you don't need it, your stress test was fine etc, he checked my blood pressure and it was like 170/80 then he waited a few minutes and it was 145/80 which he said was fine and because I was a little stressed etc he said its natural for me to vary like that....

When i did my stress test my BP at the end of it was 135/60 etc which is good I was assured.

Sometimes i just want to go the the A&E and get wired up again and reassured over and over again.... I'm seeing a counsellor at the moment which is helping and have been referred to a pshc for a assessment etc.

Currently laying in bed not wanting to get up and face the day!!!!

Any advice would be great.


11-01-12, 20:41

I used to be like this. I was never away from my GP. Every little ache, pain, bump or lump, i'd be there sat in the waiting room shaking like a proverbial leaf. I'd go in, be reassured and leave. Within 10 minutes of leaving, i'd be thinking 'BUT what if he's wrong, what if he made a mistake, what if he missed something' etc etc etc. In truth, it was ME causing all these sympoms because i was obsessed that something fatal was about to befall me.

I was like that from i was about 12 until say 29. I'm now 40 (just mind) and now i could kick myself for all those years i waited obsessing about my health. NEVER has anything bad happened to me, infact the only time i have ever been in hospital was when i was having my son.

Please don't let this dreaded HA take over your life. Try to trust your doctor and those professional opinions. The more you learn to trust them, the less severe your symptoms will become. You've had all those tests done which if there had have been anything wrong, those would have picked them up.

Hope this helps

Take care


12-01-12, 00:02
Lisa thank you so much it brought a year to my eye, I'm on the beach going for a walk at the moment!

Just thought stuff it get out of bed......

How come our HA is so scary for us?

---------- Post added at 10:32 ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 ----------

Any other advice or opinion guys?

12-01-12, 11:10
Well done on the walk!! :yesyes:

Hmm i wish i had the answer to your question hun but in truth, i have absolutely no idea. I've always been a worry wort so it's maybe just my nature to over think things and take it to a whole new level. BUT although
your health anxiety won't go away over night, it can and wil improve.

Try to reason with yourself when you get these symptoms. Rather than think "Oh something bad is going to happen to me, i need to have it checked out", try saying to yourself "Ok i have had these symptoms many times before, they have been professionaly checked, nothing bad happened to me then and it won't now"!...

Also rather than feeding the anxiety by giving it brain space, distract yourself. Distraction can be anything at all. Housework, ringing a friend, playing a game, listening to the radio etc, anything at all that means you have to think about what you are doing rather than what your head it telling you is happening.

I know how horrible and scared it can make you feel but rest assured, there are hundreds of us on here the exact same battling with this damn thing. Let's kick it's ass hun!!!. :buttkick:

I'm around here most of the time so if you ever need some reassurance then feel free to pm me.

Take care

12-01-12, 20:43
Thanks Lisa! X