View Full Version : Had enough of feeling like this

11-01-12, 21:43

Anyone else sick of living like this. It's driving me mad and yet I can't seem to stop myself constantly checking myself for symptoms. Everyday it's something new and everyday it's a fight to stop myself googling symptoms. I'm so exhausted from worrying all the time and yet can't seem to stop it. I'm in so much pain everyday and even though I know it's the anxiety that's causing it and my constant worrying about it that's making it worse it's impossible to convince myself this. I have only suffered from HA for about 5 months and already I have had enough and want my old life back. I really feel for those of you that have suffered most of your life's. I would really like help/advice from a doctor but I'm scared that on once they are aware of my HA every problem I see them for will be put down to that even if it is something serious wrong with me.

I always hated going to the doctor even if I felt incredibly ill I would just ignore it. Now every five minutes I feel like phoning for an appointment even though I know it's nothing I'm terrified I have something that will kill me in seconds. Even if I go away anywhere I make sure I know where the local hospital is just incase. I don't want to spend the rest of my life worrying and feeling so down. :weep:

Anyway sorry it's a long one just needed to get it off my chest I suppose.

11-01-12, 22:35
I feel exactly the same. :( It's a horrible thing to have. I've always had general anxiety/panic attacks but for the last 2/3 months all I can think about is my health/body/symptoms and convincing myself I have something badly wrong. But I'm too scared to go to the doctor incase there IS actually something terribly wrong! Like if I have cancer, I know how ill chemo can make you and what if it's terminal and I find out I only have months to live?! It's horrible. I ended up having to go to the doctor last week because I found a white lump on my tonsil (which I wouldn't have found had I not been checking!) and I told her about my worries so I start some CBT next week thankfully! Maybe you should consider CBT?

11-01-12, 22:46
Hello......... Most people on here (including me!) will confirm that they feel exactly the same as you do. It's all part of the illness and in my opinion it's just like torture.

You should go and talk to your GP. If he/she is any good, they will appreciate that you recognise your problem and want to do something about it. They can offer CBT and medication to help. Most GPs get frustrated that people don't believe the advice and reassurance they offer and refuse to accept it's CBT etc and not more tests/scans etc that they need.

Your GP has years of training and experience and can usually recognise the difference between symptoms cuased by HA and those that are a physical illness.

You CAN get better from this and get your old life back if you get the right kind of help and trust your doctor.

Good luck with it all and keep your chin up. xx:hugs: