View Full Version : Is this normal?

11-06-06, 11:39
Hi everyone, for the last three days i have felt like i have been having one long panic attack, breathing problems, heart racing, stomach churning, shaking, feeling like i need the toilet all the time, just wanting to 'run away' and hide but not knowing why. Can panic last all that time? I feel a bit calmer today[Yeah!] But just wondered if anyone else has experienced this as it kind of freaked me out a bit! [|)]

Take care

'This too will pass'

11-06-06, 12:11
Hi Daisybun
Glad to hear you're feeling calmer today. I was just like you for about 8 weeks, all those symptoms all the time, but it never blew up into a full blown PA. It isn't nice at all and is scary, but it will pass.
Keep telling yourself its 'only' anxiety and can't hurt you and keep on doing what you would normally do, don't let how you're feeling stop you doing stuff and it will ease up.
Take Care
Love Helen

11-06-06, 14:36
Hia daisybun
Im sometimes like this aswell it doesnt go into a full panic attack but its there all the symptoms and anxious an on edge for a few days.Glad to see you are a bit calmer today though:D
take care cheryl xx

11-06-06, 16:40
Thanks everyone, I've just taking magnolia and rhodiola root so we'll see if that is helping - do feel better. Stopped the diazepam today.

Take care

'This too will pass'