View Full Version : its been 3 years now i cant live like this anymore

mrs way to worried
11-01-12, 22:39
I actually can't cope with my life at the moment the same symptoms for 3 years and just getting worse , all my problems r on the right side of my body , trouble swallowing only on the right side which is odd , trouble with right nostril always blocked , yellow rings in colour bit of my eyes , neck pain right side , jaw pain right side,breast pains , shoulder pain right side , back pain right side , numbness in face right side , sneezing fits , knee pain right side , ear buzzing right ear , I last had full bloods done in september showed nothing , mri 3 yrs ago showed nothing was only a head and neck mri I think they should have done it lower as they missed a tumor on my osophogus nearer my chest , camera down my throat saw nothing 3 years ago , I hate my life I now even have nightmares about my death I have debated planning my funeral and writing goodbye letters to my kids age 3 and 1 , I'm pretty sure my husband will leave me for someone normal , I live in fear y is it all the right side , y is this happening to me I just want to live my life I cannot cope anymore I'm exhausted my doc says its all anxiety and has now diagnosed me with fibromyalgia I just see that as an easy option for him as he's sick of me and he's put me on amitriptyline. Someone help me please I'm begging u , I need a way out of this

11-01-12, 23:57
Hi hun, this was me the other day I was feeling so low and a bit suicidal as I couldn't stand the fact I thought I was dying, I'm only young and have my full life ahead of me and couldnt stand my brain being clogged with these thoughts.
Have you spoke to anyone about these thoughts you're having? I felt much better when I spoke to my Mum about the thoughts I was having. Speak to someone who you'll know will take you seriously it makes all the difference :)
And also how long have you been on the amitriptyline for? It sometimes takes a while for it to kick in properly so please hang on in there :)
I'm going through the exact same thing so I know how you feel xo

12-01-12, 00:18
hi, you sound so low i had to write something, even though i probably wont be much help! i dont know much about fibromyalgia- i would avoid googling it but if what the doc was saying to you didnt seem right to you, you should seek a second opinion- if only to ease your worries a bit..?

if you and your partner have a 1 and 3 year old, i'm sure you've had some tough days :P if he'll stay with you while your changing a nappy with baby sick in your hair and a zombie face from lack of sleep, and is still around, im sure he wont be leaving you for someone "normal" any time soon :) get him onside for support- maybe he could go in docs with you? i find it helps if i take in my partner sometimes- the other half remembers stuff that i dont, and backs me up etc.

i hope you feel better soon xxx