View Full Version : numb and cant sleep?

12-01-12, 07:38
hey guys :) just a little post here to tell everyone who reads this how im feeling and what im experiencing at the moment.Im getting numbness inside my head (it feels internal) and alot of sleeping problems/vision problems.Ive been given diazepam to help but its not helping me just giving me a little relief with the panic side of things but i cant rely on this for my whole life.. so maybe a few kind words to help me get over these horrible feelings as its ruining my quality of life at the moment, thanks for reading my post:blush:.

symptoms - dizzy,numb,cant sleep,sickness,cant eat.

12-01-12, 10:07
Could be side effects from diazepam if you've only just started taking them.

Must be horrible, especially at night when anxiety can be heightened anyway. If your panic has calmed down then maybe you are transferring whatever is bothering you into physical symptoms...only a theory but sometimes if we have emotional pain then it manifests itself through different ways and when one is stopped, then another comes forward. Hope that makes sense, I hope you're ok :hugs:

12-01-12, 10:26
hmm yea makes sence to me :) , thanks for the reply xx

12-01-12, 18:50

Sorry i cant be of much help here.

I would imagine that the diaz is a short term solution to give you some breathing space and a chance to get on top of your anxiety.

Keep working at fixing the causes of your anxiety and your need for diaz will lessen.

Good luck hun


13-01-12, 13:24
Maybe you should try some relaxtion techinques.. meditiation.. relaxing the mind more at night :)