View Full Version : Alone for the week :(

11-06-06, 14:16
Hi All
Im really in need of reassurance at the minute, my parents just left for the airport & iv got myself in such a state, i know im being silly as they are only away for a week but iv got myself so stressed out.
My parents are my only support as I dont have any friends left because of my panic & anxiety problems & im just terrified I wont be able to cope whilst they are away or that i will get ill or have a big panic attack and have nobody to talk to about it and make me feel better. Also I worry so much about them flying (probably because of my own fear of flying) and being in a foreign country, i'm gonna drive myself crazy this week if i dont pull myself together but everything just seems so scary at the minute.
Thanks for listening to my whinging
Suzy xx:(

11-06-06, 15:21
Hi Suzy
You will be just fine. I can understand your panic, I've had the same one as you so I KNOW you will be ok.
i know it's difficult but try to immerse yourself in something that will take all your brainpower. Rip the wallpaper off and redecorate - or something else like this - it worked wonders for me. And, good luck :)

11-06-06, 16:36
What Nigel says is tue Suzy, you will cope, it may be hard but you can do it. I started knitting again to take my mind off my problems/fears and it has really helped, my counsellor says to try something creative. Treats and lots of them, give yourself something to look forward to each day. You will be fine. You're in my thoughts and prayers

Take care

'This too will pass'

11-06-06, 17:52
Hi Suzy

am going through the same as you my mum and dad and brother and his wife are all away this next week and am terrified.

feel free to pm me if you want a chat anytime

Katie S x

11-06-06, 19:48
hi susy, I know its a tough one but i'm the same as you. Im almost 30 and need constant reasurance from my family its like i've never grown up! lol. Seriously tho I know its hard but we are all here for you on this forum when ever you need! You sound the same as me what with letting your thoughts scare you and it's a horrible thing but you must stay focused and if it gets to much just come on here and have a chat! it really works for me and i'm sure it will work for you too! I sometimes if i'm having a really bad day and I don't want to speak to anyone I just browse around and feel secure in the knowledge that i'm not alone! feel free to pm me
tc xx


11-06-06, 22:26
Hi Susy,

You are not alone, we are all here for you. Whatever time of day or night, I'm sure there will be someone around.

You take care and try and stay calm

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

12-06-06, 01:26
Hi Suzy

I know where your coing from. Just read my "Back Again" topic. We'll get through it kiddo. I have loads of times before. I'm here for you. And remember your not alone. It's what I'm doing.

CHin up!!

Dusty xx

PMT - Proof that God must be a man.

13-06-06, 15:49
im terrified by everything at the minute
i cant keep appointments to anything -but medication isnt always the answer
ive found that exercise helps too -ive been going to the gym and though it was real uncomfortable at first to get used to goingto be around alll thses people im finding it really helps

13-06-06, 19:19
Thankyou all so much for the advice and words of support, they are a big comfort to me. Iv calmed down a lot now iv got used to them not being around and iv been keeping busy going to work then spending the evening cooking cleaning or talking 2 the cat! It just felt like my world was caving in just after they left it was scary!

Thanks again for taking the time to reply
Take care
Love suzy xx :)