View Full Version : freaking out about this whole end of the world , doomsday clock thing =(

12-01-12, 09:25
is anyone else? I am freaking out sooo much over it and it sucks =(

12-01-12, 09:59
Hey, I was exactly the same! This news article will calm you down http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-16000331..try going on factual websites you'll see that there's lots of evidence against it. The 2012 theory is just a money making scam that exploits people like us who are more prone to worrying!
Also this video might cheer you up a bit.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hzF3vkmY28
Haha I hope that helped somehow :)

12-01-12, 10:07
The video made me laugh :') The bbc links not working though , the video helped me a lot :') good old charlie bless him lol! xx

12-01-12, 10:17
its basically down to astrological tables, ever so many thousands of years , we are now moving from the age of pisces at the mo into the age of aquarius, (the NEW AGE) retrograde, its nothing to worry about, the end of the world aint gonna happen, (well in about 300 billion yrs in the future) the myans predicted this by astrological means, theres nothing to worry about, really
T x

12-01-12, 11:06
It's pure bull that the world's going to end in 2012 so don't worry...
It's 2013:D

12-01-12, 11:51
Read up on it there is nothing to be scared of. There are a few misguided cranks who are interpreting it for their own end (i.e to scare people and make money – yes people make money out of this type of thing) The Mayans do/did not say the world would end it is merely the end of their particular time cycle – a bit like our millennium except the Mayans start again from 1. Think of it a bit like your cars odometer – once it reaches 999999 it starts at 000001 again. :)

12-01-12, 13:02
The end of the world has been predicted and happened so many times even in my lifetime, oh no, it hasn't happened has it.....:winks::roflmao:

12-01-12, 14:15
The end of the world has been predicted and happened so many times even in my lifetime, oh no, it hasn't happened has it.....:winks::roflmao:

Some American preacher predicted two dates last year didn't he? Predicted the first one, it came, it went, he said sorry got it wrong it will be on....... same thing happened.

Don't sweat it. Not going to happen and if it does none of us will be here to worry about it.

12-01-12, 14:49
Yeah, saw that on t.v. the other day, all his followers were ready and waiting...they literally had got themselves entirely ready to greet the end of the world. Wasn't it something like 6 pm it was meant to happen ? I would have love to have seen their faces, and his at 6.01 pm LOL !!

12-01-12, 17:47
Its not the harold camping thing its the mayan calender nucelear doomsday clock thing =/ never mind , lol

12-01-12, 17:49
...but the thing is...there have been so many crackpot theories on the end of the world. The mayan calendar being one of them, people are making something out of nothing and winding people up. It happens often....that was the point I was making.

12-01-12, 17:57
Us young generation are sooo lucky. We have survived like 8 armaggedons since the 90's.
Anyway, the expiry date on my Jasmine Tea is 2013 so its CLEARLY wrong, unless my Jasmine Tea will be redeemed, or become zombie tea.

12-01-12, 18:00
An interesting article, a bit heavy in the first part (number lose me I have to say), but there are some sensible 'Doomesday' ideas at the end.


Think of it this way, calendars reset and start again when they come to the end. Our week has 7 days then starts again, the year has 365 days and then starts again etc. The Mayan calendar was a long term calendar, and when it gets to the end it just starts again !!!!!

---------- Post added at 18:00 ---------- Previous post was at 17:58 ----------

Anyway, the expiry date on my Jasmine Tea is 2013 so its CLEARLY wrong, unless my Jasmine Tea will be redeemed, or become zombie tea.

You are naughty !:winks::D

Seriously though, I remember being really scared when I was younger when there were Nostradamus predictions winding people up. I recall getting very caught up in it and very frightened, so I can understand why it is freaking people out.

12-01-12, 19:31
I remember my auntie kept sending me letters in 1999 warning me to ration all my food and get loads of water in and try to warn mum and dad because of the millenium bug. Fortunately I was too young to be scared about that and just sent short rude replies to my auntie instead, but I found the Harold Camping one and the 6/6/6 one pretty scary...
I myself am not too worried now as I have no fear of death, but I totally understand your apprehension. Also, the world can take care of itself and mother nature isn't likely to obey some prehistoric calandar.
But if the world does end, I'm dragging y'all to hell with me. :shades:

12-01-12, 21:07
Hi Littlehelper, I am also VERY worried about this! And everyone I speak to just laughs at me, so its very rare to find someone who understands what its like. What can we do though? We can only look for reassurance that everythings going to be alright and there is stuff out there that debunks the whole thing.
Try not to worry, but if you wanna vent about it to someone who wont tell you to stop being silly, then I'm here :)

13-01-12, 10:14
It is said that the symbolic clock was made by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists in 1947. It's the group that was founded by the University of Chicago Scientists who worked to establish the first atomic bomb. Since that time, the watchdogs of mankind's potential (BAS) rush into self- generated oblivion. The atomic experts who manage the Doomsday Clock moved its hands one minute closer to midnight Tuesday. The symbolic clock measures our recognized time before global destruction. Although it had gained a minute in 2010, that time was dropped today over issues of nuclear weapons, nuclear power and climate change. Source for this article: Doomsday Clock clicks one minute closer to 12 (http://www.newsytype.com/14386-doomsday-clock-closer-to-12).

13-01-12, 10:34
Its not the harold camping thing its the mayan calender nucelear doomsday clock thing =/ never mind , lol

Yes but its the same old same old tosh.....:D

13-01-12, 10:57
It is said that the symbolic clock was made by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists in 1947. It's the group that was founded by the University of Chicago Scientists who worked to establish the first atomic bomb. Since that time, the watchdogs of mankind's potential (BAS) rush into self- generated oblivion. The atomic experts who manage the Doomsday Clock moved its hands one minute closer to midnight Tuesday. The symbolic clock measures our recognized time before global destruction. Although it had gained a minute in 2010, that time was dropped today over issues of nuclear weapons, nuclear power and climate change. Source for this article: Doomsday Clock clicks one minute closer to 12 (http://www.newsytype.com/14386-doomsday-clock-closer-to-12).

Not sure that actually helps in the calming process LOL ! Mind, I could be reading it incorrectly ?

13-01-12, 13:58
Not sure that actually helps in the calming process LOL ! Mind, I could be reading it incorrectly ?

Lol Carys no I think you read it correctly and it doesn't do much to help with calming down haha :wacko:

13-01-12, 15:25
It hasn’t actually got anything to do with what this thread is about:shrug:. I would hazard a guess that its spam (See my quote in brackets in my post above). It actually makes little or no sense and I say that as a scientist. If you read the article the ‘clock’ is merely a tool being used in the wrong context – it is not meant to represent a ticking away of time.

I can’t stress enough that the Mayans did not/do not think the world will end, it does not suggest that in any way shape or form, just the end of one period and the start of another in their eyes alone.

Thinking about it is not unlike the death card in a tarot pack, this is often wrongly perceived as death when in fact it merely represents the end of one chapter or direction in life in favour of a better one.

13-01-12, 16:50
Yeah, maybe spam indeed ?

13-01-12, 17:39
It is said that the symbolic clock was made by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists in 1947. It's the group that was founded by the University of Chicago Scientists who worked to establish the first atomic bomb. Since that time, the watchdogs of mankind's potential (BAS) rush into self- generated oblivion. The atomic experts who manage the Doomsday Clock moved its hands one minute closer to midnight Tuesday. The symbolic clock measures our recognized time before global destruction. Although it had gained a minute in 2010, that time was dropped today over issues of nuclear weapons, nuclear power and climate change. Source for this article: Doomsday Clock clicks one minute closer to 12 (http://www.newsytype.com/14386-doomsday-clock-closer-to-12).
Oh god just when I was calm I had to read this...

14-01-12, 01:55
I use to freak out as well,I thought it's gonna end by 2012. Then I think to my self whatever happens we can't do anything about it. God has other plans. It's up to him when it's gonna end..

14-01-12, 02:03
Try living !!! If we are going to die then make the most of it but we aren't!!!!

Why worry about this?

14-01-12, 08:52
Exactly, if the world IS going to end, what are YOU going to do about it ? you won't be able to stop it, and probably won't know anything about it if we all explode in a giant fireball.

The one thing we are all sure of is that we WILL die at some point.

Worrying about if a load of crackpots and conspiracy theorists are correct is a waste of time when you could be doing so much more with your time.

p.s. the atomic clocks ( there isn't just ONE, there are loads of them, and you can go out and buy one from Hewlett Packard ) was made to provide mega accurate timekeeping, and isnt symbolic of anything to do with nuclear weapons, or the world ending. Whoever wrote that article needs to read a bit more about them, and not write such a load of crap.

14-01-12, 09:13
You are suffering from generalised anxiety disorder. When i was a kid i thought that the world would end in 2000. If this is troubling youa lot i would suggest that you do not hesitate to seek medical help. Also never try to argue or research about such irrational thoughts or else you will fall into a "OCD" loop. The best thing is to stop thinking about it by keeping your mind engaged in something else all the time. If you cant, then please please see a doc.

14-01-12, 11:33
Exactly, if the world IS going to end, what are YOU going to do about it ? you won't be able to stop it, and probably won't know anything about it if we all explode in a giant fireball..

I know your trying to help, but that's exactly my problem! I CAN'T do anything about it, its out of my control and that's what scares me. i hate the idea that a portion of the people of this world have such a power over the whole population! I still haven't been to get help because I don't think its such an irrational thing to be worrying about, although I do agree that the about that I think about it is unhealthy seen as everyone else seems to be able to shrug it off and say whatever will be will be. Wish I could do that :(

Also i looked up that bulletin of atomic scientists and its just as scary as it sounds, they say the peace efforts between countries has been unsuccessful and so they have pushed it forward a minute :/

14-01-12, 11:57
Would it help a little bit to know that the closest this symbolic clock ever came to midnight was in 1953 ? And even when the scientists set it up in 1947, it was started at 7 minutes to midnight, so it didn't even start from a long way away from midnight LOL ?

31-01-12, 22:17
It's so good to know that I'm not the only one. Im a anxious person normally but this whole 2012 think has me freaked out. Not sure why as I've researched it (in fact I had at one point a very unhealthy obsession with researching it) and its tosh, but when I get anxious I start to get thoughts of what if ect. I went to the docs three weeks ago and he looked at me like I was stupid and said e didn't have a clue what I was talking about.

I have now vowed to never look at a site about 2012, domesday, Armageddon ect ect but it still creeps back into my head :( we were at dinner tonight and someone mentioned that the weather had been rather freaky which led my thoughts on a crazy tangent an then I'm havig anxiety attack :(

Doctor gave me beta blockers but they make me drowsy and give me insomnia at the same time I just ant sleep. Ive started taking magnesium, flaxseed oil, vitamin D and ltheanine. Any one else takig any thing else?

I hate people saying don't worry about it as you can't do anything. I would pay do much money not to have to think about it. I've got two beautiful kids that I wish I could just enjoy with out all the anxiety!

Sorry for lack of encouraging words but I just want you o know your not alone x

01-02-12, 09:27
I dont think this is just because of anxiety, many people without anxiety believe in these kind of things. There was an hour long documentary about it on the tv not long since with experts saying it was a possibility. I myself dont think its true but would not say its def not true either.
I have been reading a book on ocd and it talks about 'impossible criteria and the need for certainty' there is no absolute certainty in life and this is something we should try to accept.
I think the truth is that nobody can be sure how we came to be and nobody can be sure how we will end.

blue moon
02-02-12, 06:18
I just want to say what a load of bullshit.....Live life to the fullest while you are here.

02-02-12, 18:18
I believe something bad will happen this year but it won't be the end of the world as we know it. The usa and israel will attack iran over their false claims of them making a nuclear weapon then this will lead to a massive war and possibilly WW3, that's if the economy doesn't crash first. Either way we are screwed.

my predictions for this year

Oil to reach 180 dollers per barel, maybe more.
Hyper inflation
euro collaspe
war with iran
banking collaspe
civil war in usa and parts of europe

Roll on the End Of The World, I'm bored.:welcome:

02-02-12, 21:00
Apocalypse comes from the Greek meaning 'revelation or disclosure'.

The 'end is nigh' brigade have been forecasting the end of the world for donkey's years.Each deadline passes and here we are still :)

02-02-12, 21:02
What a cheerful set of predictions Mrk74 :roflmao:

blue moon
02-02-12, 23:14
What a cheerful set of predictions Mrk74 :roflmao:

I agree Carys:roflmao: