View Full Version : Genuinely not sure whether I'm an anxious idiot or burying my head in the sand...

12-01-12, 15:13
Please bear with me if this gets long: I think I need to set things out.

I know I am a worrier. Everything in the article about health anxiety in the article on this website applies (I fret, I see things in black and white, etc). I never used to - not sure why now except that I think my wine habit and moderate smoking make me fear that I will PAY ... and my worst fear is a disease that is ALL MY FAULT.

And yet I keep starting smoking again.....

Anyway, this is what I have - and I don't know whether I'm imagining links where there aren't any, fretting and imagining things, or actually missing something serious because I'm too scared to google OR go to the gp!

1) Continual little spots behind my ears which get sore (probably because I fiddle with them and keep checking them)
2) pain in shoulders, neck and sometimes chin (I do have dreadful posture and spend most of the day behind a laptop screen atm, but then think 'ah but surely that would have eased now, can't *just* be posture...')
3) Tingling/tight sensation up my face intermittently
4) A small white mark under my chin. I don't know if it's always been there because I didn't used to fiddle with my chin this much. It feels hard and small and looks exactly like a scar my brother has on his chin, but I honestly can't remember now whether I ever fell on my chin and hurt it enough to scar. I both want and don't want to google it. I think I am also thinking of the red mark/white mark thing for mouth cancer here and not sure whether it applies to chins or not.

I honestly don't know which kind of idiot I am - a worrying idiot, or the idiot who doesn't get checked and then DIES.


---------- Post added at 12:31 ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 ----------

Oh and I'm a 33 year old woman who's pretty much always healthy in every other respect.

---------- Post added at 15:13 ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 ----------

58 views and no-one wants to tell me I might not be dying....! Eek :weep:

12-01-12, 16:51
No hun you're not dying!! Your just extra anxious at the moment which send our bodies and mind into overdrive. Health anxiety will make every little thing seem like a death sentence so please don't jump to any conclusions right now. Easier said than done I know! If these symptoms are causing you to lose sleep, or are just overtaking all your thoughts why not Go see a doctor for piece of mind? If the doctor scares you that much, is there anyway you can speak to him/her over the phone? My doctors office has an advice nurse that I can call and explain what I'm going through to see if it needs medical attention. I have no doubt that you'll be just fine as none of those symptoms signal to me that you're dying!! Try to maybe go for a walk today, and take exta care of yourself these next few days so that your anxiety doesn't get worse and produce more symptoms. Keep me posted on how you get on.. Xx

12-01-12, 17:05
Hi fretful.

Your not dying,

Your symptoms with the site shoulders chin etc are a result of anxiety. You are so worried you are tensing all the time.

You say you have small lumps behind your ears. I think these have probably only become noticeable since you've drew your attention towards them / kept touching them etc.

Hope you feel better soon