View Full Version : Really struggling with meds

12-01-12, 14:07
Hi all me again. I am on second day of taking Citalapram. I spoke to my Doctor and have switched to taking just half a 20mg tablet and he said that is fine until I get used to them. I am still feeling really panicky and strange. Can anyone offer me any reassurance for now to get through this week!!!!!!:weep:

12-01-12, 14:46
Hi sorry your feeling so bad :hugs: 20mg is quite high to start off on so good idea dropping it to 10mg, heightened anxiety is a common side effect with most of the SSRI meds :mad: I started off on 10mg of cit and i had awful heightened anxiety, restlessness, nausea, dry mouth but they do pass, my doc gave me some diazepam to help me through, hope you feel better soon xx

12-01-12, 15:50
I totally agree with nicila 20mg is to high for you to start on, 10mg is the usuall starting dose.

and if things are too much to handle askyour gp to prescribe diazapam on the short term.

I know it is a hard med to get on, and you can have side effects as nicola has said, but try to stick with it as they do pass.

wishing you well xx

12-01-12, 15:55
Thanks Nicola, I am really going to try and stick with them. They did work for me before but because it is only day 2 I keep feeling really scared. I get like a hot tingling wave going over me then I keep thinking I am going to faint or worse. It is so scary. Did you have this?:weep:

---------- Post added at 15:55 ---------- Previous post was at 15:52 ----------

Thank you I am finding this site so helpful. It really is helping me to get through it. Just keep wondering how I am going to get through a week or more keep feeling like this:weep: I was getting panic before I went on them but they definitely have got a lot worse since I started meds yesterday.

12-01-12, 17:47
Hi Sophie,

Ive been on Cit twice now and started on 20mg the first time, 10 the second.
I also had hot flushes/waves through my body that felt like my blood was boiling but it does eventually go away when all the other side effects settle.
I like you also took them for panic disorder but unfortunately it seems to amplify your anxiety at the start. Knowing that its the tabs and not a sign of anything wrong with you can help calm you down somewhat.


12-01-12, 18:38
hi sophie
day 4 of cit and what an awful day i have had.have constantly felt a wave like sensation come over me immedietly followed by a faint feeling, have been panicking all day thinking something awful is happening. Have taken 5mg diazepam to calm me down. my poor husband must think i am going mad.

12-01-12, 19:39
It really is horrible isn't it. I keep having awful thoughts and I feel really scared all the time. My poor little son has been such a good boy today. I am lucky my sister is here because I really am struggling. All anyone keeps saying though is stick with them and I will feel better.:weep:

13-01-12, 06:27
hi all just had the night from hell with all sorts going through my head,defo more anxious if thats possible, legs are like jelly and stomache churning just couldnt settle at all,gonna ring my gp today for reassurance, though am sure they must be getting fed up with me by now,feeling i cant function anymore and its worrying the hell out of me.Also must have sweated bucket loads overnight, anyone know if its normal.

13-01-12, 06:41
hi all just had the night from hell with all sorts going through my head,defo more anxious if thats possible, legs are like jelly and stomache churning just couldnt settle at all,gonna ring my gp today for reassurance, though am sure they must be getting fed up with me by now,feeling i cant function anymore and its worrying the hell out of me.Also must have sweated bucket loads overnight, anyone know if its normal.

Hi i was exactly the same when i started them, the first week is the worst, my anxiety went sky high and i still now wake up sweating sometimes x x

13-01-12, 06:49
yeah and to think I have to do it all again today is hard to take,just have to keep going though but the hardest thing is having no sort of life at the moment,cant work ,which would be a distraction, but just dont feel well enough.

13-01-12, 08:47
Sophie - although I'm not on Citalapram (I've just restarted Venlafaxine), I can totally sympathise with your symptoms. I keep having periods of shaking, real anxiety and the strange feeling of heat in the middle of my stomach which spreads upwards and then makes me feel really faint. My GP has prescribed me beta blockers to take over the first couple of weeks, which do seem to help. I just keep focussing on the light at the end of the tunnel. I've taken this before and I know it works, it's just that forcing the tablet down when you know it will make you feel awful in the short term is really difficult. Keep at it and I look forward to us all having got through these symptoms in a week or so x

13-01-12, 09:52
I am the same as you. Jelly legs, feel like I am going to faint, really hot flush of panic and pins and needles, feeling sick. Let's do this together. I am really struggling too but I am determined to give these meds at least 2 weeks before I give up on them.

How many days have you been taking them? I am on day 3 and I have just taken half and I immediately felt really panicky so it is psychological as well.:weep:

I cannot wait to get this week out the way and hope that they get into my system and the panic attacks calm down a bit.

---------- Post added at 09:45 ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 ----------

Thanks Pipkin I am trying to stick in there. I have got to do this for my 2 year old son and for me. Cant stand the panic though it is really horrible. so good to be on nmp though and know that I am not alone.:D

---------- Post added at 09:52 ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 ----------

hi all just had the night from hell with all sorts going through my head,defo more anxious if thats possible, legs are like jelly and stomache churning just couldnt settle at all,gonna ring my gp today for reassurance, though am sure they must be getting fed up with me by now,feeling i cant function anymore and its worrying the hell out of me.Also must have sweated bucket loads overnight, anyone know if its normal.

I am on day 3 and I feel exactly the same as you:weep: Think we have got to try and stick with it though. I have been on these before and they did really help me once I got used to them

13-01-12, 10:42
Sophie - you're welcome. I've decided to go out for a walk to clear my head, if my jelly legs will carry me...

13-01-12, 10:54
hi all i was on ssri's for the best part of 10 years, i remember starting cipralex and the side effects were terrible, heightened anxiety, feeling sick, feeling hot/burning sensation, feeling faint.......these are just the meds getting into your system and will subside after a week on them, you will start feeling better on week 2 and gradually feel good weeks 3-4, and you wont realise how good you feel on them. Distract yourself from the side effects if you can, like go for a walk, watch a funny dvd, or even do the washing/housework, i know how bad you are feeling but distraction will help, and make sure you eat, even if it is just a bowl of cereal or porridge or a piece of toast, will help with the nausea.
Hope you all feel better soon, honestly if you do some of the above, it does help. If i can be of any help you can always inbox if you need to.

Sometimes i wish i was back on the meds just to give me a bit of confidence and help with my social phobia but im a coward and i wont go back on them mainly because of what you are going through, side effects, if they didnt come with side effects i would take them today. Iv opted for counselling, which im still waiting for and i feel fine most days, i just need a kick up the arse sometimes to get me out and about lol.

16-01-12, 08:49
How are you all doing? I'm on day 5 and still very much up and down (with more down than up). Still, I'm sticking it out and hope to feel better by the weekend. P x

16-01-12, 09:01
Sophie you have done so well. You are talking your way through it here on the forum. However, if the Citalapram is not for you then do see the GP at once.

Some people I know personally who have used Citalapram feel great. Others' don't. So it's good to know we can with confidence return to the GP and give him/her our side of the story.

The fact you are participating actively here on this forum is a positive sign. Show the GP you are "not just another hypochondriac", so to speak. Sometimes they can judeg us a little hastily.

Beleive me, I used to counsell Doctors who were addicted to opiate medication !!!!!!!! And they have a name .... at least in England .... for patients they consider to be Hypochondriacal. They call the "Heartsinks" !!!!!

If you are suffering, Sophie, then please see the GP again quickly and more or less tell him/her that you are active in your recovery and not just another heartsink.

Good luck, Vince:)

And so

16-01-12, 10:01
Sophie you have done so well. You are talking your way through it here on the forum. However, if the Citalapram is not for you then do see the GP at once.

Some people I know personally who have used Citalapram feel great. Others' don't. So it's good to know we can with confidence return to the GP and give him/her our side of the story.

The fact you are participating actively here on this forum is a positive sign. Show the GP you are "not just another hypochondriac", so to speak. Sometimes they can judeg us a little hastily.

Beleive me, I used to counsell Doctors who were addicted to opiate medication !!!!!!!! And they have a name .... at least in England .... for patients they consider to be Hypochondriacal. They call the "Heartsinks" !!!!!

If you are suffering, Sophie, then please see the GP again quickly and more or less tell him/her that you are active in your recovery and not just another heartsink.

Good luck, Vince:)

And so

Thanks for your response. I am going to stick with the Cit as they did really work for me before. I am on Day 6 and this is the first morning I have woken and not had a panic attack though still feeling anxious but it is bearable. Fingers crossed x

---------- Post added at 10:01 ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 ----------

How are you all doing? I'm on day 5 and still very much up and down (with more down than up). Still, I'm sticking it out and hope to feel better by the weekend. P x

Hi Pipkin, How are you doing? I am on day 6 and this is the first morning I have woken without having a panic attack. It has made me feel much more positive about taking the meds and I didn't feel as reluctant as I usually do. Fingers crossed for today. The great thing about NMP is that we can all do this together x

18-01-12, 09:03
Hi everyone. Day 7 for me and the awful side effects seem to be going away - not feeling so tense and sleeping better (albeit with some really peculiar dreams - miniature cars and cornflake snow last night! - please don't analyse!). I'm only on a half dose though and today's the day I double it so no doubt it they will start again (must remain positive!). At least I know now that I can tolerate these which really helps. I know I'm on different meds and am gate crashing your thread but I suspect we all feel pretty similar. How are you all getting on?
P x

24-01-12, 09:48
hi all just had the night from hell with all sorts going through my head,defo more anxious if thats possible, legs are like jelly and stomache churning just couldnt settle at all,gonna ring my gp today for reassurance, though am sure they must be getting fed up with me by now,feeling i cant function anymore and its worrying the hell out of me.Also must have sweated bucket loads overnight, anyone know if its normal.
Hi Stamags, How are you doing? I am not having panic attacks so much now but I am still feeling really anxious and so so tired and I cannot sleep. I am now on day 14 of taking 10mg of Cit. I need to up it to 20mg but I am a bit worried in case the panic comes back again!!!!

24-01-12, 20:48
I'm on day 2 of 10mg and feeling worse as the day wears on. I was prescribed a mirtazapine/citalopram combination and have been on the mirt for about 6 weeks now. I haven't had the courage to add in the cit until now! I had really bad side effects when I tried to get on it before and gave up on about the third day - way too early. I am going to try and stick with it this time and your posts are really helping me to hang in there.

I'm just really hoping that this will work for me and that the initial side effects will be worth it in the end.

Belle x

25-01-12, 10:45
I'm on day 2 of 10mg and feeling worse as the day wears on. I was prescribed a mirtazapine/citalopram combination and have been on the mirt for about 6 weeks now. I haven't had the courage to add in the cit until now! I had really bad side effects when I tried to get on it before and gave up on about the third day - way too early. I am going to try and stick with it this time and your posts are really helping me to hang in there.

I'm just really hoping that this will work for me and that the initial side effects will be worth it in the end.

Belle x

Hi Belle, I really do know how you feel as with everyone else on this forum. It is really hard work but I have been on them for 2 weeks now and although I am not feeling the benefits yet, the side effects are ok now. If you can stick with them it is well worth it. I know this because I have been on them before and it really did help through some difficult times :hugs:x