View Full Version : Brand new from Bristol :)

12-01-12, 14:32
Hello :)

I'm never really good at introducing myself so I'm just going to start with how I found this place...

I was writing an entry on facebook after a horrid little spell while getting ready to go to Tesco:

Last night, Chris had to get some shoes, I went with him. While getting ready a panic attack set in and it took me longer than normal to get my shoes on due to this. We left, about fifteen minutes to spare before the shop closed at 8pm, and on the way I kept my mind occupied with Angry Birds to keep from getting nauseated.

My heart raced, my throat was closing up so I kept swallowing all the time, and my legs were so tense from me keeping them still. My hands shook a bit and my breathing was being forced in deep drags so I wouldn't stop breathing at all. By the time we got to the parking lot, I couldn't even get out of the car, and I had to ask Chris if I could stay inside. He let me and I managed to maintain some sort of calm.

But when someone started their car and the very well known, retarded WUB WUB came out of the car, my panic attack came back.

Damn you Dub Step. Damn you.

Anyway. I tried to cool down by the Time Chris came back to the car, but when he came back and suggested we go in the shops, I actually cried. I was crying because I was having a panic attack and I was so embarassed and felt so damn foolish. I asked him if we could go home, and we did, and on the way back I felt better.

This is unnerving to me. I never used to be like this. I don't know what to do.

I was actually about to start crying again because I realized how foolish I sounded, and then a friend of mine posted a link to this site.

I started reading everything and I found that it hit everything on the nail, from the nausea to the throat feeling like it was closing up...it just made sense.

I'm already starting to feel better about what's going on with me...now all I need to do is figure how to face it without feeling like my body is going to fall apart.

This site is amazing :)


12-01-12, 14:34
Hi Aurocard

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-01-12, 14:41
Thank you so much :)


Patrick Michael
13-01-12, 08:35
Hey auro. Glad you found the site. As weird and as shocking and as distressing as what you are going through is, I feel, that to know there are others out there, is in some way comforting. To know that you are not alone. And in being here, and in being honest, you are taking a step forwards ( there may be the odd little step back too ) , but mostly forwards.



13-01-12, 10:52
Welcome Auro. I'm relatively new here myself and have found the site extremely beneficial and, corny as it might sound, it has been a real comfort to know that there are others out there who feel exactly as I do.

Take care


13-01-12, 11:01
Hi Auro,

Welcome and I hope you find lots of info. and support here, to help you deal with the panic attacks.


13-01-12, 12:10
Hiya and welcome to NMP:welcome:

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: